Protecting God's Children for Adults is a program to ensure safe environments in all of our parishes, schools and Archdiocesan departments and agencies. This free training focuses on increasing awareness about the nature of child sexual abuse. The VIRTUS program is offered in two formats: in-person group sessions led by a facilitator and internet-based personal sessions viewed at home.
SEP 2023 - Training Adults Overview
SEP 2023 - Training Adults Overview - Spanish
Alternate Initial Training Options
There may be situations where an individual may have difficulty with material presented in the Protecting God’s Children for Adults initial training session. They may have a history of sexual abuse and fear that the videos will trigger memories; or perhaps they attended an initial group session and had to leave abruptly because the videos triggered them.
Alternate options for training are available but must be authorized by the Safe Environment office on a case-by-case basis. The Safe Environment office will work with the individual, the Local Coordinator and/or the parish/school Facilitator to accommodate the individual’s needs as best we can. If an alternate version of training is deemed appropriate, an Alternate PGC Class Verification Form must be completed and emailed to the Safe Environment office upon completion of the alternate version of training. This form will be provided to the individual and Facilitator/Local Coordinator if alternate training is being set up.
Please email the Safe Environment office if you need assistance with an individual who is in need of an alternate version for initial training.