Giving opportunities

We have many ways to support a vibrant Catholic community in Western Washington.

The Annual Catholic Appeal funds ministries and services for your local Catholic community – including your neighbors and your parish. 

Learn about how you can include the Archdiocese of Seattle in your estate plan.

The Crozier Society is the largest social Catholic group committed to serve the church of Western Washington by supporting seminarian education and provides personal community support for the funding priorities of Archbishop Etienne.

Fundraising campaign launched in June 2024 by the Archdiocese of Seattle, with the goal of igniting the fire of faith in youth and young adults, from youth in middle school and high school to their young adult years and beyond.

Northwest Catholic’s mission is to promote evangelization and form disciples by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.

Please click here to subscribe or here to donate

Learn about local, national and global collection opportunities provided by the Archdiocese of Seattle.

Local giving opportunities

Giving resources

Tax ID information


Campaign Contact Name Email Address Phone
Planned GivingErin Oest-Larsenplannedgiving@seattlearch.org206-382-4563
Crozier SocietyCarin Browncroziersociety@seattlearch.org206-274-3119
Annual Catholic AppealOlivia Nicolasaca@seattlearch.org206-382-4274
Called to Serve as ChristCarolyn Fostercampaign@seattlearch.org206-382-4353
St Joseph FoundationErin Oest-Larsenfoundation@seattlearch.org206-382-4563
National and Mission CollectionsAndrea Shimekandrea.shimek@seattlearch.org206-903-4621
General QuestionsCarolyn Fosterdevelopment@seattlearch.org206-382-4353