Enrich your faith
"Jesus said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water.'"
~Luke 5:4
Ways to enrich your faith
Prayer is essential to our faith, much like food is essential for our body. Through prayer, we grow closer to God and open ourselves to receive what God wants us to be.
Prayer is not so we can attempt to change or convince God; rather, prayer changes us to be more accepting and trusting of God's grace in our lives.
Read the New Testament
Experience the good news of Jesus Christ firsthand by reading Jesus' word in the Gospels. Continue reading the Acts of the Apostles which show how the Holy Spirit is active in the life of the Church. The letters of St. Paul and others teach us how to live our life in Christ.
Get daily readings on the USCCB website
The sacraments are pivotal to our Catholic faith and draw us closer to Christ.
In the Eucharist, we enter into deeper communion with Jesus. Through reconciliation, we are forgiven and healed. If you haven't been to confession for a while, check out this advice
Are you getting all your information and news from secular sources? Consider expanding your options to include Catholic media such as Northwest Catholic, podcasts, local Catholic radio, apps, social media and more.
Missionary discipleship
We hear about missionary discipleship, but what does that mean for us as Catholics?
Jesus said, “Follow me” (Matthew 9:9), “Remain in me” (John 15:4) and “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:9). As we grow closer to Jesus, he invites us to share the gift of faith to others. Missionary disciples embrace this invitation and find ways to share the reason for their hope in Christ (for more on this, go to the USCCB website).
Where is Christ leading you on your path of discipleship?