Ongoing formation for lay ministers
Thank you for your ministry as a lay ecclesial minister in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Because your work is so important, our archdiocese has invested heavily in providing the following formation opportunities listed under the headings below. Should you have any questions about a specific offering, feel free to get in touch with the contact listed.
“The harvest is ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”
~ Matthew 9:37-38
For parish staff, volunteers, adult learners, and parents of homeschoolers who are interested in teaching at all levels.
This foundational, sequential, and pastoral program provides the basic tools to learn both the "what" and the "how" of our Catholic faith. This program includes a series of classes presenting the Tasks of Catechesis and Methodology, along with a series of online videos from the Augustine Institute's Symbolon program, whose content provides elements of how to know and live the Catholic faith.
Prerequisites: n/a
Certification: Adult Faith Formation Certificate, Catechist Certificate
Date(s): 6- to 8-month program
Location: TBD
Cost: $75 per participant, scholarships available
Contact: Carlos Carrillo or Joseph Tancioco | Registration questions? Contact Beata Gando or 206-274-7672
Language: English
For Spanish speaking parish staff, volunteers, adult learners, and parents of homeschoolers who are interested in teaching at all levels.
This foundational, sequential, and pastoral program provides the basic tools to learn both the "what" and the "how" of our Catholic faith. This program includes a series of classes presenting the Tasks of Catechesis and Methodology, along with a series of online videos from the Augustine Institute's Symbolon program, whose content provides elements of how to know and live the Catholic faith.
Prerequisites: n/a
Certification: Adult Faith Formation Certificate, Catechist Certificate
Date(s): 6- to 8-month program
Location: TBD
Cost: $75 per participant, scholarships available
Contact: Carlos Carrillo or Joseph Tancioco | Registration questions? Contact Beata Gando or 206-274-7672
Language: Spanish
Mental health first-aid training
For parish staff and volunteers
Mental health first aid is a skill-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues.
Date(s): ongoing
Location: in-person and virtual
Contact: Joe Cotton | 206-382-4847
Language: English
Navigating mental health interactions
For parish staff and volunteers, especially those who greet and answer phones.
This online training will help you safely navigate interactions with those struggling with mental health issues in a compassionate, caring way. To recognize Christ in every person who suffers, whether they are struggling with mental illness or experiencing a mental health crisis, you will learn how to move these types of situations into an opportunity to encounter Christ and encourage transformation and healing.
Date(s): ongoing
Location: virtual on demand
Contact: Joe Cotton | 206-382-4847
Language: English
For those currently working in hispanic ministry.
The IBICLA Diploma is an educational program extended to staff and committed volunteers in partnership with the Claretian Bible Institute of the Americas (IBICLA). This program focuses on academic study and in-depth understanding of the Holy Scriptures.
Prerequisites: Currently in ministry
Certification: Diploma
Date(s): 4 summers (two intensive weeks per year)
Location: Online
Cost: $2000 a year
Contact: Edwin Ferrera | 206-382-4846
Language: Spanish
For Spanish-speaking lay leaders, religious educators.
Instituto Hispano is a certificate program that offers theological and pastoral formation to leaders of communities and local churches. It is held over the course of three, two-week sessions in July and takes place on Santa Clara University’s main campus in Berkeley, CA. Financial aid by the Archdiocese of Seattle is available for qualifying candidates.
Location: Santa Clara University’s main campus in Berkeley, CA
Cost: varies
Contact: Instituto Hispano | 206-382-4842
Language: Spanish
For lay staff and leaders who serve the Hispanic community.
The Pastoral Leadership Network for Hispanic Ministry (PLNHM), is for clergy and lay staff who serve the Hispanic community at their parishes as well as leadership from ecclesial movements and Catholic organizations. The PLNHM meets quarterly to share information and updates on what is happening in their communities.
Prerequisites: For parish staff, lay & ordained, ministering to and with Hispanic/Latino Catholics.
Certification: n/a
Date(s): Quarterly meetings
Location: Chancery campus
Cost: n/a
Contact: Make Gallitelli | 206-382-4260
Language: English, Spanish
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Training for those involved with the Annual Catholic Appeal at the parish level.
Find resources for each phase of this campaign. Resources available throughout the campaign.
Prerequisites: none
Certification: none
Date(s): April 21, 2024 - April 20, 2025
Location: online
Cost: $0
Contact: Olivia Nicolas | 206-382-4274
Language: English, Spanish, Vietnamese
For new Pastoral Assistants for Administration and bookkeepers.
This important training provides a fundamental understanding of the scope of work.
Prerequisites: none
Certification: none
Date(s):Three sessions in winter and three sessions in summer (each of the three sessions has different content)
Location: Chancery
Cost: $0
Contact: Scott Bader | 206-382-4585
Language: English
LEARN MORE: Watch for C2P information
For Pastoral Assistants for Administration and bookkeepers.
Helps to develop an understanding of stewardship as a way of life and how it relates to discipleship.
Prerequisites: none
Certification: none
Date(s): Talent renewal (late-September to mid-October); Treasure renewal (mid-October to Late-November)
Cost: $0
Contact: Steve Homiack | 206-903-4619
Language: English, Spanish, Vietnamese
safeTALK TRAINING - Catholic Lifesaver Corps
For anyone; parents, parish staff, teens (peer-to-peer)
Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t want to die — instead, they are looking for a way to work through the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they usually invite others to help them in making a choice for life. This 3-4 hour suicide intervention training helps participants recognize a person with thoughts of suicide and connects them with resources to help them choose to live. Participants don’t need any formal preparation to attend the training—anyone who wants to make a difference can learn the safeTALK steps. There will be scheduled breaks and opportunities to practice the skills built in the workshop, including practice on how to talk about this subject with others.
Date(s): ongoing
Location: Student trainings are done at ARBC; Workshops are done at various schools and parishes in Western Washington
Contact: Joe Cotton | 206-382-4847
Language: English
CRIMINAL JUSTICE MINISTRY - “Jail and Prison Ministry 101”
For people interested in expanding their training in service-oriented ministry.
Learn how to accompany those affected by incarceration and how to offer a ministry of presence in correctional facilities. Share your ministerial experience and gain a rich theological understanding of our mission.
Prerequisites: none
Certification: Certificate upon completion from the Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition (CPMC).
Date(s): TBA
Location: A series of six 90-minute Zoom training sessions
Cost: $150 (scholarships available)
Contact: Joe Cotton | 206-382-4847
Language: English/Spanish
LEARN MORE: Local | National
For those who are a part of the Catholic deaf community.
The Archdiocesan Deaf Ministry provides occasional retreat opportunities and sign language interpretation at select Catholic events, helping ensure full inclusion.
Prerequisites: n/a
Certification: The Ministry Formation Program is a four-year program of education and formation for Catholic Deaf and hard-of-hearing women and men to acquire and develop ministerial skills necessary to serve as active Catholic lay ministers in a Deaf community. It welcomes hearing adults who have skills in signing and communicating with Deaf persons.
Contact: Joe Cotton | 206-382-4847,
Language: Sign language
FOSTER CARE MINISTRY - Fostering Futures Event
For those interested in learning more about what's involved in becoming foster parents.
Our mission is to garner new foster parents from within faith communities while empowering parishes to provide wraparound support for foster families and children in need.
Contact: Joe Cotton | 206-382-4847
Language: English
For those interested in working with refugees and immigrants.
Immigrant & Refugee Ministry (IRM) provides care and resources for immigrant families, and equips and empowers parishes to develop their own immigrant response programs. This ministry has launched parish Welcome Circles, hosted regional Know Your Rights trainings, immigration summits, walking pilgrimages, vigil Masses, fund collections, listening sessions and other special events in an attempt soften hearts and bring comfort to immigrant families while advocating for their needs. In addition, we continually offer weekly services and access to sacraments inside the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma. Formation opportunities include parish-based activities such as speakers and JustFaith modules, and an annual Immigration summit in September.
Prerequisites: none
Certification: none
Date(s): ongoing, September
Location: various
Cost: none
Contact: Chris Koehler | 206-274-3194
For people high-school age or older interested in expanding their experience working with the poor and homeless.
Recognized by the Pastoral Care team, Operation Nightwatch is a kaleidoscope of ecumenical volunteers working to make life better for homeless people. This grass-roots, volunteer-led group of people is dedicated to loving our neighbors who are poor and homeless. Providing overnight shelter for men and women through a series of partnerships with other organizations, volunteers deliver food, make and serve meals, visit seniors, go out on the street, hand out sandwiches, and listen to stories. Volunteers also collect and hand out socks, and other essential items.
Prerequisites: Shelter drivers must have a valid WA driver's license and a clean driving record.
Date(s): ongoing
Location: 302 14th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144
Contact: Deacon Frank DiGirolamo | 206-384-4420
For college-aged young adults interested in serving migrant populations.
Agape is a 6-8 week long service project that serves the migrant farm workers in Lynden, WA. Groups of middle and high school youth come to Bellingham to serve for 6 days at a time, and stay in the hall at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. They learn about the human dignity of every person they meet and practice this Agape love through their service. The week involves tabling at grocery stores, running a food/clothing bank, working on a local farm, building friendships with children at a migrant camp, learning activities, teachings of Catholicism, and prayer and mass
Prerequisites: Applicants must be college-aged young adults
Date(s): Two summers, April through August totaling ten weeks
Location: Location of Agape Summer Operations: Church of the Assumption/Assumption Catholic School, Bellingham, WA (and greater Whatcom County) – transportation to worksites throughout the county
Cost: Compensation $6000 for the summer, and lunches and dinners during program weeks
Contact: Kelsey Harrington | 425-941-2042
Language: English/Spanish
For current and future youth and young adult ministers, and others who will minister to these age groups.
15-month certificate program exploring current framework of youth/young adult ministry and the Partners in the Gospel context. Curriculum includes outreach projects at the end of each session, and equips ministers for successful youth ministry and young adult programs within the parish family setting. Participants experience class as a cohort within the Christifideles program and will also benefit from retreats, evenings of reflection, and other Christifideles activities.
Prerequisites: none
Certification: Certificate in Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Date(s): Fall 2024 – Fall 2025
Location: Online and in-person (Location TBA)
Cost: Total cost of the program is $2,000/person – Christifideles scholarship covers 75%. Participant portion is $500.
Contact: Deacon Eric Paige | 206-382-4864
Language: English
For those interested in expanding their experience with evangelization.
In addition to directly coordinating & assisting with various parish programs at Our Lady Star of the Sea, a missionary intern’s main task is evangelization and discipleship, bringing people to an encounter with Jesus Christ and encouraging involvement in the parish community. The missionary intern program provides valuable spiritual, personal, & professional growth for young adults who are discerning a potential path in youth, young adult or other parish ministries.
Prerequisites: Must be between the ages of 18 and 28
Date(s): Missionary Interns serve from early-July 2024 through early-June 2025
Location: Our Lady Star of the Sea, Bremerton
Contact: Gabby Herndon
For current and future youth and young adult ministers, and others who will minister to these age groups.
15-month certificate program exploring current framework of youth/young adult ministry and the Partners in the Gospel context. Curriculum includes outreach projects at the end of each session, and equips ministers for successful youth ministry and young adult programs within the parish family setting. Participants experience class as a cohort within the Christifideles program and will also benefit from retreats, evenings of reflection, and other Christifideles activities.
Prerequisites: none
Certification: Certificate in Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Date(s): Fall 2024 – Fall 2025
Location: Online and in-person (Location TBA)
Cost: Total cost of the program is $2,000/person – Christifideles scholarship covers 75%. Participant portion is $500.
Contact: Deacon Eric Paige | 206-382-4864
Language: English
For youth ministers and faith formation leaders working with youth.
Annual trainings, workshops, and retreats for youth ministers, as well as New Minster training / orientation in archdiocesan history, structure and policies.
Prerequisites: none
Certification: n/a
Date(s): Various
Location: Various
Cost: Various
Contact: Kimberly Abadir | 206-274-3175
Language: English, some events and trainings are offered in Spanish
Website: For Parishes_Youth Ministry - Archdiocese of Seattle (
Responding to Archbishop Etienne’s call to revitalize the crucial role of lay ministers in the Church, the Archdiocese of Seattle calls forth qualified candidates, assisting them in their discernment, providing human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation, and supporting them with continuing formation.
Lay minister convocation
Join us for Co-Workers in the Vineyard to talk about the importance of lay ministry in the Archdiocese of Seattle and how it dovetails into Partners in the Gospel. All lay ministers are highly encouraged to attend this gathering. Mass will be offered, followed by talks, food, and fellowship. There is no cost, but space is limited.
“Ongoing formation which strengthens ministerial identity as well as enhancing ministerial skills, is not a luxury to be pursued when time and resources allow, but is rather a permanent necessity for every ecclesial minister, lay or ordained.”
~ Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, USCCB

Questions about lay ecclesial ministry? Contact Deacon Eric Paige via email or call 206-382-4864.
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
~ St. Catherine of Siena