The Grief Support Ministry assists those grieving in the Archdiocese of Seattle by providing spiritual and emotional support.

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Learn how to accompany others as part of the Pastoral Planning process in the Archdiocese of Seattle.

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Mental Health Ministry reaches out to parishes and schools to create communities of compassion, support, and education to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

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Civil Rights Pilgrimage Who? Invited representatives of Catholic communities and ministries in the Archdiocese of Seattle to experience an important intersection of faith and social justice. Why? Our hope is that after the Civil Rights Pilgrimage, representatives will return to their communities to further conversations and create activities within our faith context that can be…

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A vocation is a call from God; it is who you are. A career is what you do within the context of your vocation.

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The Synod on Synodality is a three-year process of listening and dialogue which began in 2021 with dioceses participating all over the world.

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Peter’s Pence Collection Peter’s Pence collection allows local Catholics in the Seattle Archdiocese to join the works of the Holy Father in helping to relieve the suffering of the world’s most vulnerable; victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters.

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"Jesus said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water.'" Find ways to enrich and deepen your Catholic faith.

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Catholic Relief Services Donation The Catholic Relief Services collection provides parishioners with an opportunity to be neighbors to people living on the margins both here and around the world. Funds from the collection support organizations that aid victims of war and natural disaster, help resettle refugees and migrants displaced by violence and poverty, and address…

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