Safe Environment Parent & Guardian Resources
Parent and Guardian Information and Resources
Updated 7/2023
Circle of Grace was developed by the Archidocese of Omaha and is the children’s education component of the Safe Environment training. It serves the dual purpose of educating and informing children and youth about the value of positive relationships with God and others.
Through Circle of Grace, adults assist children and youth to recognize that each of us lives within a Circle of Grace that holds our very essence in body, mind, heart, soul, and sexuality. Children and youth are taught to identify and maintain appropriate physical, emotional, spiritual and sexual boundaries; recognize when boundary violations are about to occur; and demonstrate how to take action when boundaries are threatened or violated. Circle of Grace is clinically sound and grounded in the Catholic tradition. Its strong parent component means parents can actively participate in their children’s education and formation.
In 2004, the traditional Circle of Grace was developed by the Archdiocese of Omaha’s safe environment committee. The committee was composed of those who do direct ministry and education with youth and families. These members included clergy, religious education, schools, youth ministry, mental health, social work, ministry coordinators and community members. The goal of the committee was to develop a faith based and clinically sound curriculum that would meet the USCCB’s Charter requirements and much more. The committee believed it was important to let God into the arena of keeping kids safe. Early on the committee experienced the Holy Spirit guidance to be passionate about protecting our youth and honoring our Catholic Faith. The curriculum was copyrighted in 2007. It is updated every five years, most recently June 2023.
The Family, Faith, and Circle of Grace Faith Formation curriculum was developed by the Archdiocese of Omaha in 2022 and is copyrighted. This additional curriculum was in response to our own parishes and partner dioceses desiring a comprehensive approach to incorporating Circle of Grace to their family faith formation programs. The curriculum was reviewed and approved by several religious education and youth ministry directors. It will be updated in 2027.
© 2022 Circle of Grace Partners
These resources will help you understand the Circle of Grace program that will be provided to your child(ren) in our Catholic Schools as well as our parish Faith Formation programs.
SEP 2023 - COG-SE-Training-Program-brochure
SEP 2023 - Circle of Grace Brochure - schools preK-8
This overview will help you understand the Circle of Grace curriculum that will be provided to your child(ren) in our Catholic Schools as well as our parish Faith Formation programs. The material is developmentally appropriate for each age group.
English - Access Document
Spanish - Access Document
Red flags that indicate if a child is at risk for internet victimization.
Steps to take if a child night be communicating with an offender via the Internet.
Please visit the Archdiocesan Family & Parenting Website for more information and resources.