For Youth Ministry Leaders
Youth Ministry services guidelines
Youth Ministry Newsletters 2025
Safe Environment
Employee Toolkit - Requirements for church employees (adults and minors).
Volunteer Toolkit - Requirements for adult volunteers (age 18+) as well as minors (aged 16-17) working with youth.
Parish Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Toolkit - Requirements for teaching Circle of Grace children’s safety program each year: Program overview, implementation guidelines, forms and other materials necessary for a complete program.
Code of Behavior
Code of Professional Conduct for Minors - required for ALL minors working with younger children. Must be supervised by an adult over the age of 21.
Field Trip and Activity Forms and Waivers
All youth and adults/chaperones are required to provide the linked forms below for all events. If other forms are required in addition to these, it will be indicated in the specific event details.
Parent/Guardian Consent and Liability Waiver (Youth)
Parent/Guardian Consent and Liability Waiver (Youth) - Spanish
Adult Release of Liability / Medical Release
Adult Release of Liability / Medical Release - Spanish
For Strenuous Activities or Programs
For Overnight Domestic Trips: Youth Extended
All Insurance Forms
All Insurance Waivers
For questions related to forms and waivers, contact Marc Snedden, Assistant Director of Insurance and Risk Management (email).
Connect to a parish
For a listing of parishes by location, click here.
Youth Ministry Model Infographic
View document (Updated August 2023)
Confirmation Preparation Resources

Confirmation Policies
Confirmation Retreat Resources
Includes one-day and two-day templates to host your own Confirmation Retreat.
Confirmation Records and Certificates
Q: What information needs to be recorded in the Confirmation Register?
A: You can find guidance about the required information and supporting documentation in section SR 40 of the Sacramental Records Policies.
Q: What information must be included on the Confirmation Certificate?
A: Given that the Confirmation Certificate may be used as an official document, it should contain the same information that is recorded in the register. Refer to SR 40 for the list of required information.
Q: If a candidate from my parish is being confirmed at another parish, where is the Confirmation recorded?
A: The Confirmation is recorded in YOUR parish register. (Section 40 d notes that the parish sending candidates to another location is responsible for completion of its own register. “Joint celebrations” include situations where a person who missed confirmation at their own parish goes to another parish).
Q: Which parish issues the Confirmation Certificate if candidates from my parish are confirmed at another location?
A: The Certificate is issued by YOUR parish: It should be signed by the pastor where they are registered or where they were prepared.
Other questions? Refer to the Archives and Records Management Policies and Resources or email Kimberly Abadir, Director of Youth Ministry Services at
Confirmation Sponsors
Q: What are the requirements for a Confirmation sponsor?
A: To be permitted to take on the function of sponsor, a person must:
- be designated by the one who is to receive Confirmation, by his or her parents or the person who takes their place, or, in their absence, by the pastor or minister of the sacrament, and have the aptitude and intention of fulfilling this function.
- have completed the sixteenth year of age, unless the pastor or minister of the sacrament has granted an exception for a just cause.
- be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on.
- not be bound by any canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared.
- not be the father or mother of the one who is to receive the sacrament.
You can find additional details on page 5 of the Confirmation Policies
Q: What documentation is required for Confirmation sponsors?
A: Documentation which establishes that the sponsor has been confirmed must be provided:
- The best format is a recently issued baptismal certificate with the date of Confirmation listed in the Notations. The Confirmation sponsor should request this from his/her parish of baptism.
- If this is not available, the sponsor may provide a certificate of Confirmation with the parish seal (a photocopy will suffice as long as the parish seal is visible).
- In extenuating circumstances in which the documentation cannot be obtained, (ex. the sacrament was received in a foreign country, and it is not possible to locate records), an affidavit may be obtained to attest that the person has received the sacrament of Confirmation. Contact the Chancellor’s Office for assistance.
Other questions? Email Kimberly Abadir, Director of Youth Ministry Services at