Advent is a time to prepare for the Lord’s birth at Christmas, but let’s face it, it’s not easy when the world is already celebrating Christmas in November. We’re here to help.

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Age of Confirmation Revision Revised Confirmation Policies Archbishop Etienne’s Letter Read Archbishop Etienne’s letter to the Archdiocese that provides background and explanation for transitioning the age of Confirmation from eleventh grade or sixteen years of age to seventh grade or the equivalent age. View here Confirmation Policies Revised Confirmation policies that reflect the age change and preparation…

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The Office of Vocations celebrates God's universal call to holiness by helping foster a culture of vocations in our families, parishes, and schools.

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Pierce Deanery Strategic Planning The Pierce Deanery is the first to be part of the renewed strategic planning effort across the Archdiocese. The deanery began its urgent strategic planning work after Holy Rosary Parish  was determined to no longer be viable. A New Parish Vision Following Archbishop Paul D. Etienne’s vision to foster a sustainable,…

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We invite you to access the provided links, consider getting involved with organizations that promote and support vocations...

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Information and resources for the sacrament of confirmation in the Archdiocese of Seattle.

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Join the Agape Family by sharing your time, talent, and treasure with us! Your support is greatly appreciated as this is a community effort.

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