Responding to Archbishop Etienne’s call to revitalize the crucial role of lay ministers in the Church, meet the Christifideles cohort.

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The Synod on Synodality is a three-year process of listening and dialogue which began in 2021 with dioceses participating all over the world.

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The St. Joseph Foundation sustains Catholic ministries and programs that support the spiritual, educational, and ministry needs of Catholics in Western Washington.

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The Sacraments are a sign and source of God's grace in the lives of Catholics.  Click on the sacraments below to learn more.

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"Jesus said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water.'" Find ways to enrich and deepen your Catholic faith.

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Responding to Archbishop Etienne’s call to revitalize the crucial role of lay ministers in the Church, the Archdiocese of Seattle supports and develops lay ministers by providing human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation opportunities.

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Peter’s Pence Collection Peter’s Pence collection allows local Catholics in the Seattle Archdiocese to join the works of the Holy Father in helping to relieve the suffering of the world’s most vulnerable; victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters.

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