Welcome Circles Ministry

“I make this appeal to journey together towards an ever wider "we" to all men and women, for the sake of renewing the human family, building together a future of justice and peace, and ensuring that no one is left behind.”

~Pope Francis

What are Welcome Circles for refugees?

A Welcome Circle is a caring group of 5-20 people who accompany a family into housing, employment, benefits, healthcare, transportation, ESL classes and translation support, but mostly serve as friends and navigators on the journey into integration. Our Welcome Circle Coordinator assists and accompanies volunteers from parishes, faith communities, schools, neighborhood groups, or organizations who are willing to provide financial support, guidance, and community connections to help families resettle in Western Washington. Welcome Circles help families become financially stable once here, help fundraise if needed, and they assist families for a potential two-year stay, though most stabolize in the first six months.

Welcome Circle Changes

As of February 2025, with changes at the federal level, groups can no longer sponsor a refugee or other migrant to come to the U.S. with very few exceptions. However, welcome circles are still forming to support refugees who have arrived recently and need the support of a caring group to help them resettle. Welcome circles also continue to form to help asylum-seekers.

Learn more about becoming a Cabrini Companion to support immigrant and refugee families.

Welcome Circles manual

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Welcome Circles members Jim and Carla share their experience.

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Welcome Circles Carmen and Annemarie and sponsored family share their experiences.

Get involved

Whether you are ready to start a Welcome Circle or want to support the effort with housing, employment, or resources, reach out to us and we will connect you.  Best of all, our staff will mentor you through the process every step of the way.

We can host information sessions at your parish, deanery meetings, schools, and gatherings within the archdiocese.  Our Welcome Circle Coordinator is available to answer questions & help you get started.


Chris Koehler - Director of Missions & Immigrant Affairs, Chris.Koehler@seattlearch.org

Amy Nash - Welcome Circle Coordinator, Amy.Nash@seattlearch.org (206) 550-1204