Annual Campaigns The Annual Campaigns team provides the necessary materials and resources for your parish to conduct collection campaigns. Please find materials for your collections below. Annual Catholic Appeal Parish Stewardship National and Mission Collection Resources Annual Archdiocesan Collections To download the full 2024 calendar, click here. To download the full 2025 calendar, click here.…

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We have over 120 permanent deacons in the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are excited to introduce you to just some of them here.

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Encounter           Encounter Jesus Christ and one another.   What is Encounter? Jesus invites all of us to have a personal relationship with him. Encounter is about entering into this relationship through real, authentic experiences and recognizing his presence in our lives and in others.Just as the woman at the well…

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Archives Sacramental Register Inventory The following is a summary list of the sacramental registers of Catholic parishes, hospitals, and schools of Western Washington now in the holdings of the Archives of the Archdiocese of Seattle. If the location and date you are searching for is not listed in this inventory, please contact the church directly…

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