Hispanic Ministry
Mass Celebrations in the Archdiocese of Seattle
It is important to know the statistical data, to better understand the history and pastoral plans for the future of our Church. In these links you can find valuable and useful information:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Hispanic/Latin American Affairs' Demographics
2020 V Key Statistical Data for the Archdiocese of Seattle - Spanish)
Key demographic, social and religious statistics for the Archdiocese of Seattle
The Code of Canon Law establishes the right of Catholics to form lay associations. Lay ecclesial movements, in order to be constituted, must have the approval of the Holy See, meet the requirements and comply with the corresponding regulations. The competent authority within the Vatican is the Pontifical Council for the Laity.
The Pontifical Council for the Laity is the dicastery that assists the Pontiff in all questions that have to do with the contribution that the lay faithful make to the life and mission of the Church, both as individuals and through the various groups formed within the Church. Read more
A consistent part of the work of the Pontifical Council for the Laity is enunciated in art. 134 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus: "Within the scope of its competence, the Council deals with all that concerns lay associations of the faithful; it then erects those that have an international character and approves or recognizes their statutes (...); as far as the Third Orders are concerned, it takes care ... of what concerns their apostolic activity." The Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles laici gives an idea of the scope of this task when it points out "the richness and versatility of the resources that the Spirit nourishes in the ecclesial fabric ... and the capacity for initiative and generosity" that the laity demonstrate in this field, recognizing "a new associative era of the lay faithful" in which "alongside traditional associationism and sometimes from its very roots, new movements and associations have germinated (...) ".
Contact Information | ||
Cursillos de Cristiandad | Roberto Urrutia | roberurrutia91@gmail.com |
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Seattle | Alberto y Mariana Lopez | marianAlberto07@outlook.com |
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico | Rufino y Noemi Jaimes | noemi.rufinoo@hotmail.com |
Renovación Carismática Católica | Abel Sanchez | rcchseattle@gmail.com |
CERS | Rogelio Palacio | palaciosrogelio20@gmail.com |
Apostolado de la Cruz | Claudia Galindo | cgalindo357@hotmail.com |
Adoracion Nocturna | Gilberto Chirino | gilberto.chirino@gmail.com |
Click on each image to learn more about the movements.
Learn more about the Washington State Catholic Conference (WSCC), an institution that was formed in 1976 to foster a unified Catholic voice on public policy issues.
Visit the website of the USCCB here.
Visit the Vatican website https://www.vatican.va/content/vatican/en.htmlhere
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