Immigrant & Refugee Ministry
St. James Cathedral
804 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA, USAAn Evening of Prayer with Refugees
Please join us for An Evening of Prayer with Refugees, an event to honor this year’s National Migration Week. In his message for this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis reminds us, “God walks with His people.” So too, we will accompany local migrants and refugees, coming together to pray for migrants and refugees worldwide and for world peace. ...
Seattle University - Student Center
901 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122Eighth Annual Catholic Immigration Summit: Uncharted Trails
Join us for a day dedicated to deepening our understanding of immigration and migration at the US/Mexico border and locally in the Pacific Northwest. The summit will feature keynote speaker Dr. Alejandro Olayo-Méndez, SJ, from the Boston College School of Social Work, presenting "The Human Face of the Border: Tensions, Challenges, and Hopes." ...
Issac Orr Conference Room
910 Marion Street, Seattle, WA, USA“Cabrini” Movie Showing
Join us for a screening of the Cabrini movie, which will help us all to learn about this great saint's life serving those in need and to envision our own call of missionary discipleship ...