Faith Formation during COVID
Guidance for Faith Formation
Based on the recent guidance, the Faith Formation team created this document especially for faith formation programs. Please share this with your faith formation teams. For quick reference, please refer to the table below for faith formation programs and sacramental preparation guidelines.
Based on the Governor’s vaccination mandate for all schools, the Archdiocese of Seattle has extended this to parish staff and volunteers who regularly interact with children. This would include in-person faith formation activities.
Después de las actualizaciones del grupo de trabajo arquidiocesano COVID 19, presentamos un resumen de cómo estas reglas se aplican a los programas de formación de la fe y la preparación sacramental.
Según el mandato de vacunación del gobernador para todas las escuelas, la Arquidiócesis of Seattle ha extendido esto al personal de la parroquia y a los voluntarios que interactúan regularmente con los niños. Este incluiría actividades de formación en la fe en persona.
We recommend that pastors and principals connect on the guidance to discuss the parish and school campus as a whole and determine the best practice for your location. Ultimately, all efforts should be focused on providing a safe environment that minimizes “close contact,” promotes mask wearing, has good ventilation, encourages good hand hygiene and requests people stay home if they aren’t feeling well.
Due to the risks of the Delta variant and our desire to protect our children and the vulnerable in our communities, we are recommending mask wearing during indoor Mass celebrations. Please note that all altar servers must wear a mask.
Common Questions & Answers
I would like to get some clarity of the most recent COVID - 19 guidance that was sent out about those in Faith Formation when it comes to a vaccination mandate for all persons working within Faith Formation ministry. Do they all need to be fully vaccinated?
- Yes. Anyone at the parish with close contact with children needs to be vaccinated.
Does the deadline set for staff to get vaccinated in October apply also to volunteers?
- Yes
How do we keep records for volunteers?
- A log is to be kept with name, dates of vaccine, and date verified. No need to retain medical records.
The wording in the guidance PDF is inconsistent with the C2P text. Is this mandate coming from the archdiocese or the State?
- The text is coming from the Archdiocese. The State mandate to the schools. We are extending that to all those with close contact with children. We are also extending it to Catholic Charity Services' workers who work with vulnerable populations. This is an evolving discussion, and it may extend further as we continue to look at data and consider our various ministries.
Can staff contact the Task Force or the Archbishop's office directly?
- Yes. You can send your questions directly to:
(September 7-2021)
Guidelines for Conducting In-Person Programs
(Continue offering virtual/online clasees for those who cannot participate in person.)
- Capacity is "recommended" at 50% of the hall or meeting room total capacity and continue to keep safe distance (at least 6 ft.)
- If a school classroom is used, follow the protocol established by the Catholic School.
- Reduce the length of meetings/classes to 1 to 2 hours with a break.
- Maintain sanitization stations and promote frequent hand washing.
- Facial coverings are required for everyone over the age of 5 and older when having classes, events and meeting indoors. This includes teachers, event leaders, parents, volunteers, and students.
- maintain small groups with people from different households distances from each other.
- If possible, maximize the use of outdoor activities.
- It is recommended that events do not have food as part of the program.
- People must screen themselves for symptoms.
- Parish staff/volunteers will not be checking people's vaccination status.
- Capacity is "recommended" at 50% of the hall or meeting room total capacity.
- If a school classroom is used, follow the protocol established by the Catholic School.
- Reduce the length of meetings/classes to 1 to 2 hours maximum.
- Facial coverings are required for everyone participating in classes, events, and meetings indoors.
- Maintain small group gatherings with people from different households distanced from each other.
- Maintain sanitization stations and promote frequent hand washing.
- If it is possible, maximize the use of outdoor activities.
- It is recommended that events do not have food as part of the program.