About the Program
The introduction of the National Directory for Catechesis [NDC] states: "Jesus Christ is the unique emissary of the Father, and the apostles are the emissaries of Jesus Christ." It also proclaims that "the object of catechesis is communion with Jesus Christ" (NDC, p. 55). We accomplish this by both sharing the content of our faith - Sacred Scripture and Tradition - and through our personal witness of what it is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. In order to promote catechesis that is foundational, sequential and pastoral, the Archdiocese of Seattle is offering this 6- to 8-month program to learn both the "what" and the "how" of authentically passing on the treasures of our Catholic faith. This program includes a series of classes presenting the Tasks of Catechesis and Methodology, along with a series of online videos from the Augustine Institute's Symbolon program, whose content provides elements of how to know and live the Catholic faith.
View the program requirements here.
Schedule for 2024-2025
English Language Classes at the Chancery and Online
English Language Classes at Holy Innocents, Duvall
English Language Classes at St. Augustine, Oak Harbor
English Language Classes at St. Joseph, Vancouver (Family 45)
English Language 7-Week Intensive at Holy Rosary, Edmonds (Family 11)
Registration and Payment
Click below to register and indicate how you will be paying the fee. Payment is available by parish billing, personal check/money order, or by credit card.
Inscribarse aquí (para clases en Español)
Register here (for classes in English)
Required Textbooks
- Clases en español - Biblias Recomendadas
- Catholic translation of the Bible (Click here for a list of approved translations)
- Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd edition, not the pocketbook edition)
- The Catechist's Toolbox by Joe Paprocki (Loyola Press)
Other Methods of Certification
1. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a Montessori-based faith formation experience in which children and adults listen to God together in a retreat-like setting called the Atrium.
The Sheepfold Collaborative, a group of communities offering CGS to families, is offering a 2-part formation course for adults to learn how to offer CGS to children ages 3-6. Part 1 will be offered on July 11-13 and July 25-27 at St. Monica’s on Mercer Island. Part 2 will be offered in July 2026 -- exact dates and location TBD.
This course will equip an adult to serve as a catechist in a Level I Atrium. It will include adult reflections, working with materials, group discussions, journaling, material making, and more. For more details and for information about registration, contact the Sheepfold Host Erin Webb. Click here for more information about this method of faith formation. Click here to register at the Sheepfold website.
2. Advanced Degree in Theology for parish catechists with a Masters or Doctorate in Catholic Theology or related field from an accredited Catholic university. Complete the form here.
3. Completion of selected courses of the Archdiocese of Seattle Deacon Formation Program (for wives only, more information coming soon)
Renewal of Catechetical Certification
We invite those who were certified in the Archdiocesan Catechetical Certification Program since 2017 to continue in their faith journey by renewal their catechetical certification.
There is no cost to renew. The process emphasizes the importance of ongoing formation and professional growth to enhance your abilities and skills in passing on our faith and staying up to date with Church documents, doctrinal principles, as well as pastoral methods for evangelization.
Applicants document 30 hours of continuing formation every 3 years. This process requires a pastor or delegate to verify that the applicant is still teaching the faith. There are two forms to complete:
- Renewal Application
- Practicum Evaluation (to be completed by the supervisor)
For program questions, contact Carlos Carrillo or Joseph Tancioco.
For registration questions, contact Beata Gando or call 206-274-7672.