Women’s Lenten Silent Retreat

Glimpses of the Divine: The God of the Human Heart
March 21 – 23, 2025

This retreat is focused on the Salesian approach of encountering God and God’s will in the present hearts of the people we encounter. Father Joe Newman OSFS will share stories of encountering God as a teacher, administrator, priest, and provincial.

To celebrate the 400th anniversary of St. Francis de Sales’ death, Pope Francis wrote Totum Amoris Est. In this apostolic letter, Pope Francis writes, “In this light, we can understand why Saint Francis de Sales felt that there was no better place to find God, and to help others to find him, than in the hearts of the women and men of his time. He had learned this, from his earliest years, by developing a keen insight both into himself and into the human heart.”

Archbishop Brunett Retreat at the Palisades
4700 SW Dash Point Rd, Federal Way, WA

Retreat Cost and Details:
$375.00 (single occupancy, 1 person)
$625.00 (double occupancy, shared room)
$875.00 (triple occupancy, shared room)
$200.00 (commuter, presentations and meals only)

Retreat fees cover room, presentations, and all meals.

Friday, March 21st (check-in opens at 4:00pm, retreat begins with dinner at 6:00pm)
Sunday, March 23rd (retreat concludes after breakfast)

Register online at:


Mar 21 - 23 2025


4:00 pm - 12:00 pm


Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
4700 Southwest Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA, USA