High School Catholic Youth Convention
Fully Known – You are a beloved child of God – you are made in God’s image, lovingly created with intention and purpose for your life. Your identity is in God. You are Fully His, Fully Loved, Fully Known.
Come to the Catholic Youth Convention with your youth group or high school Catholic group and join hundreds of high school students from around the Archdiocese of Seattle for a fun and energizing full day event:
- Enjoy time with friends old and new
- Hear inspirational Catholic speakers and music
- Worship at Mass and Adoration
- Experience a renewed sense of God’s immense love for you
Early bird = $55.00
General (between 10/11-10/20) = $65.00
Week-of (10/21 and later) = $75.00
Adults/chaperones pay a flat rate of $30.00 per person.
Registration closes on 10/23. Limited day-of registration may be available.
Scholarships are available. To request a scholarship, please contact Kimberly Abadir at kimberly.abadir@seattlearch.org
Reconciliation will be available from noon until 1:30 if you would like to go during lunch or the large group game. Alternatively, you can sign up to go during the 1:30 – 2:00 afternoon breakout session.
9:00 am Doors open
10:00 am Welcome game
10:30 am Keynote 1 – Aires Patulot
11:00 am Parish Time
11:30 am Breakout 1
12:00 pm Regather before Lunch
12:15 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Group game
1:30 pm Breakout 2
2:00 pm Parish Time
2:30 pm Keynote 2 – Abbot Marion
3:00 pm Group Game/Scavenger Hunt
3:30 pm Parish Time
4:00 pm Adoration with Praise & Worship
4:45 pm Prepare for Mass
5:00 pm Mass with Bishop Schuster and Abbot Marion
FLYER (English)
FLYER (Spanish)
Sponsored by Archdiocese of Seattle Youth Ministry Services