Dynamic Form Test Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 11Which of the following 2 statements resonates most with you? Why? Today we face an urgent – yet exciting – opportunity to change our approach to parish life so that we are meeting the needs of the present moment and continuing to foster vibrant communities that encourage everyone to live the Joy of the Gospel.Right now, we have a tremendous opportunity to make transformative changes that will impact the future of the Catholic Church in Western Washington – and the faith of all who live here.Why? - Additional CommentsNextWhat does a “Vibrant” parish mean to you? NextThe 4 statements below are one group – please rank each from most compelling to least compelling using the drop down.While the population of Washington has increased nearly 30% since 1999, Mass attendance has decreased 15.5% Choice 51-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Less Compelling4-Least CompellingWhile total births in Washington increased 17.2% infant baptisms decreased 21.5% Choice 51-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Less Compelling4-Least CompellingWhile civil marriages in Washington have increased nearly 5%, Catholic marriages decreased 45.9% Choice 51-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Less Compelling4-Least CompellingToday the archdiocese has 80 diocesan priests for 174 locations and by 2036, we estimate we will only have 66 diocesan priests, an 18% decrease. Choice 51-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Less Compelling4-Least CompellingAdditional CommentsNextThe 5 statements below are one group – please rank each from most compelling to least compelling using the drop down.Like parishes across the country, our parishes have experienced diminished parish life for a variety of reasons. Choice 71-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Neutral4-Less Compelling5-Least CompellingOur demographics are changing, and many parishes can no longer support aging infrastructures and a vibrant faith community on their own.Choice 61-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Neutral4-Less Compelling5-Least CompellingParish infrastructure and schedules were created in a different era. Choice 71-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Neutral4-Less Compelling5-Least CompellingWe have parishes that are not full for Mass, buildings that are underutilized, priests who are overworked, and resources that are spread too thin. Choice 71-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Neutral4-Less Compelling5-Least CompellingRight now, our resources (people, money & infrastructure) are spread too thin and impeding the work of our mission. Choice 71-Most Compelling2-Somewhat Compelling3-Neutral4-Less Compelling5-Least CompellingAdditional CommentsNextThe 4 statements below are one group – please rank each from most compelling to least compelling using the drop down.We want parishes that are Partners in the Gospel – building up the Body of Christ to share his love and joy with the world.Choice 51-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Less Compelling4-Least CompellingWe want to redirect all our efforts so that we are in a better position to share the joy of the Gospel.Choice 51-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Less Compelling4-Least CompellingTogether we have an opportunity to transform parishes that can be Partners in the Gospel – making the words of Jesus relevant and alive for everyone today. Choice 51-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Less Compelling4-Least CompellingOur goal is to advance the mission of the Church, which is to help people encounter Jesus, accompany one another and live the joy of the Gospel. Choice 51-Most Compelling2-More Compelling3-Less Compelling4-Least CompellingAdditional CommentsNextWhich of the following statements is the most compelling with you?Once parishes are placed in a family, the parish family will work together to determine how they will form one parish community.Parishioners have the opportunity to help shape the future of the parish family.The parish family will decide how they will carry out the mission of Christ in their own local community.Why? - Additional CommentsNextWhich of the following statements is most compelling to you?You are invited to participate in this process – we want to hear your voice.You have the opportunity to help shape the future of the Church in Western Washington.You are a vital part of the Catholic community and we want you to help bring this vision to life.Why? - Additional CommentsNextWhich of the following 3 statements is the most compelling with you? The Church is moving forward. We are not re-creating the Church but creating what it means to be Catholic in today’s culture.The Church is changing. A changing Church is always responding to the needs of the people.The Church is responding to the needs of its people.Why? - Additional CommentsNextWhich of the following 4 statements is the most compelling with you?Opportunity to change our approach to parish lifeOpportunity to revitalize parish lifeOpportunity to reinvigorate our parishesOpportunity to transform our parishesWhy? - Additional CommentsNextPlease share your thoughts on the following statement: Structures are important but when we get too attached to status quo we fall behind in sharing the Gospel and making it relevant for people.NextBased on all the messaging we’ve reviewed today, how are you feeling now? Are there things that stood out to you? Other thoughts you have about the messaging? About You - OptionalAre you interested in participation in the future planning for "Partners in the Gospel?"YesNoNameFirstLastEmailGenderFemaleMaleAge Range18 - 2425 - 3435 - 4445 - 5455 - 6465 +Engagement in being CatholicVery Engaged - Parish Lay Leadership or Lay MinisterEngaged - Consistent Mass Attendance, Parish VolunteerSomewhat Engaged - Occasional Mass AttendanceNot EngagedThank you for your time today. We really appreciate your feedback and insights. Your input will help us position this important work, which will have real impacts across the Archdiocese of Seattle. Again, please keep this session confidential. If you have any questions, concerns, or thoughts, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Helen.McClenahan@seattlearch.org. Submit