Accompany each other, as one human family, on the journey of discipleship.
What is Accompaniment?
Accompaniment is how we can spiritually support others, especially those who are struggling. It requires that we are genuinely present with them, listening to them and supporting them with the goal of helping them hear God's call for them.
We are like a bridge of support, connecting others to Jesus Christ.
God calls us to love all people and accept everyone in a way that invites them into a deeper relationship with Christ. By sharing Christ's love, we can help others understand his teaching and become disciples themselves.
Accompany Others
Jaisy Joseph, a member of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council describes the art of accompaniment. Her insights are drawn from "Start with Jesus" by Julianne Stanz.
“Often it is better to simply slow down and put aside our eagerness in order to see and listen to others, to stop rushing from one thing to another and to remain with someone who has faltered along the way.”
~ Pope Francis
Start with Reflection
Take an inventory of your faith. Spend a few minutes to ask yourself these questions.
Who are the people in my life that have accompanied me in my growth as a disciple?
How do I give thanks for that accompaniment? Do I make my appreciation known?
Do I model accompaniment behavior that I've witnessed?
Am I always ready to accompany others?
How do I help others grow in their relationship with Christ?
Ways to accompany others
Consider ways to walk with more people your parish and community:
- Consider being an RCIA sponsor or spend a holy hour each week praying for an RCIA candidate.
- Reach out to elderly in your parish and offer to visit them and help as needed.
- Be available to talk with visitors in parish about what it means to be Catholic.
- If you are a Godparent, think about ways to accompany your Godchildren and pray for them.
- Acts of service to others, local missionary work, and Confirmation sponsorship are all ways to accompany others.