Home Events - Archdiocese of Seattle Eighth Annual Catholic Immigration Summit: Uncharted Trails

Eighth Annual Catholic Immigration Summit: Uncharted Trails

Join us for a day dedicated to learning more about immigration and migration at the US/Mexico border and locally in the PNW. This free event includes lunch and parking, and a suggested $15 donation is appreciated to help offset the cost of hosting the event.

The summit includes:

– Morning prayer with Bishop Schuster

– Keynote speaker Dr. Alejandro Olayo-Méndez, SJ, Boston College School of Social Work – “The Human Face of the Border: Tensions, Challenges, and Hopes”

– Chris Koehler, Archdiocese of Seattle, Immigrant and Refugee Ministry – “The PNW Context: Welcoming the Migrant and Refugee”

– Amanda Heffernan, SU Assistant Professor – “Bridging the Gap: An Authoethnography of Asylum Accompaniment”

– A presentation by the Tacoma Refugee Choir

– In addition to hearing from Dr. Olayo-Méndez, his gallery shows “In Search of a Dream” will showcase photography documenting life on the border for migrants.

The summit concludes with a Vigil Mass at 4pm in the Chapel of St. Ignatius.

Saturday, October 5, 2024
Seattle University – Student Center Le Roux Room
Doors open at 9:30am; Vigil Mass at 4pm

Click HERE to register

The annual Immigration Summit is co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Seattle – Immigrant and Refugee Ministry and Seattle University’s Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture


Oct 05 2024


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Seattle University - Student Center
901 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122


Immigrant & Refugee Ministry