Parishioner Engagement

Learning & Implementation

Update (July 2024)

Stabilization and Optimization

ParishStaq/Pushpay implementation reached a significant milestone this spring with all parishes now on the system. 300 people a day in the Archdiocese use the system to do their work in the parishes. This accomplishment is due to the hard work of parish staff and the leadership of their pastors. Thank you for your commitment to making this important effort happen. A special thank you to the ParishStaq implementation team as well:

  • Bryan Gummersall - Project Manager
  • Jennifer Wong - Training and Support Specialist
  • Joseph Tancioco - Training and Chancery Support
  • Crystal Casas - Data Specialist
  • Ed Clark - Data Specialist
  • Ruth Reiser - Administrative Support

As we transition to a period of stabilization and optimization, the ParishStaq support team will look a bit different, too. Jennifer Wong will assume management of the support team and will report to Tom Martin for the interim period. Bryan Gummersall will continue in a technical role. Ruth Reiser will continue in her support role for the next few months as we transition parishes with Partners in the Gospel. The ongoing support of data is an open role being filled.

We are excited about how we are positioned with the next phase of using ParishStaq and Pushpay.

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Learning & Implementation


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