Agape Catholic Ministries - Catholic Marriage Prep
- one-on-one with a certified instructor couple
- Online worksheets foster conversation between the couple and are followed up with personalized feedback from their instructors
- Courses specifically tailored for those seeking convalidation.
- Programs available for military couples
Beloved (Augustine Institute)
In twelve sessions, Beloved explores the true meaning of Marriage and how to live it out together. Here you’ll discover the deepest spiritual, emotional, and practical realities of Marriage through Scripture, Tradition, and Church teaching. You’ll see firsthand how to experience the wonder, mystery, and joy of this sacrament—from that first “I do” through the rest of your lives.
Better Together (Dynamic Catholic)
A marriage prep program that meets couples where they are and equips them to build lasting, happy, and faith-filled marriages.
Joined By Grace (Ave Maria Press)
Joined by Grace provides parish leaders, mentor couples, and engaged couples the most comprehensive, innovative, and up-to-date marriage preparation program for Catholic parishes today and the first to emphasize the connection between marriage and the other six sacraments.
Together in God's Love (Our Sunday Visitor)
Focuses on marriage as a communion of persons, just as the Holy Trinity is a communion of persons. Marriage is also presented as a visible sign of Christ's total self-giving relationship with the Church. DVD combines relevant cultural references, modern psychology and Catholic theology to teach couples. Four sessions: Marriage & Faith, Marriage & Communication, Marriage & Sexuality, and Marriage & Stewardship.
Witness to Love
Witness to Love is a virtues-based, catechumenate model or marriage renewal and preparation that integrates modern principles of psychology and the virtues to help couples facilitate an authentic dialogue about their relationship.