St. Joseph Foundation
The St. Joseph Foundation is dedicated to connecting faith with charitable giving for the Catholic Church in Western Washington.
About the Foundation
Established on August 5, 2021, the St. Joseph Foundation is dedicated to connecting faith with charitable giving for the long-term support of the mission of the Church and the Catholic community in Western Washington.
Grants are awarded twice a year based on the approval of the board of directors, once in the spring and once in the fall.
If you would like to donate to the foundation, set up a recurring gift, or if you have a question about making a donation, please contact Erin Oest-Larsen at 206-382-4563 or

Funding Priorities
Catholic Initiatives
To advance the beliefs, teachings and spirit of the Catholic Church, while supporting the spiritual and social needs of the Catholic community in Western WA. The Foundation supports not-for-profit Catholic organizations as well as general Archdiocesan needs.
Pastoral Ministries
To advance Archdiocesan pastoral ministries that support missionary discipleship, Catholic social teaching and other efforts to spread the Gospel. This includes special priorities such as the environmental initiatives outlined in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si'.
Formation Education
To advance the continuing education and faith formation for lay ministers, deacons, seminarians, and priests in support of advancing the Mission of the Church in Western Washington.
St. Joseph Foundation Apply for a Grant
We support Catholic ministry and encourage Catholic non-profits in Western Washington to apply for funding.
- The most recent grant application period closed March 14, 2025.
- Applicants will be notified by the end of June 2025.
- The next application period will open between July 1, 2025 - September 12, 2025. The application period will close at 5:00 pm PST on September 12, 2025.
Mission Essential Parish Family Fund
This special fund provides grants for qualifying parish families that are struggling financially because they are in economically depressed regions or rural areas with small populations. This fund helps ensure our essential parish families have resources to carry out their mission.
Key Information
Please read the FAQ here.
- Archbishop Paul D. Etienne
- Caitlin Moulding, President
- Erin Oest-Larsen, Vice President and Secretary
- Jeannie Crone, Treasurer
- Very Reverend Anthony Bawyn
- Scott Burns
- Most Reverend Eusebio Elizondo
- Nicholas Ford
St. Joseph Foundation Tax ID number is: 87-2056036
Past Grantees
Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest
Pathways to Purpose: Faith-Based Internship for Young Adults $15,000
This grant supports two interns who are participants in the JVC Northwest’s Vision and Call Internship program which fosters the development of young leaders and directly supports 62 Jesuit volunteers in Seattle, Tacoma, and Vancouver. This grant helps cover housing stipends and travel expenses.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish, Tacoma
Martha's Table
As missionary disciples, five days a month, volunteer parishioners provide outreach ministry supporting the unhoused in their community by offering breakfast; sack lunches; supplies such as clothing, tents, cold weather gear, and toiletries; and provide shelter, bathroom facilities, and charging stations for cell phones and tablets. This grant money goes toward purchasing food items for their ministry. In 2024, they served more than 2500 people.
Formerly: Jesuit Restorative Justice Initiative Northwest
RISE2hope will use this grant for two focuses, ministry to those in restrictive housing (solitary confinement) and Ignatian retreats for those in prison. They impact 400-500 people a year.
Saint Martin's University
Saint Martin's University Spring Break Service Immersions
This grant will be used to support student costs for travel, food, lodging and site fees for 24 participants in their Spring break 2025 Service Immersion trips to L’Arche Tahoma Hope, Tacoma, WA, and Delores Mission/Homeboy Industries, Los Angeles, CA.
Seattle University
Sustaining Seattle's Catholic School Teacher Corps
This grant is provided to establish an endowment for the Catholic School Teacher Corps. This impactful program supports Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Seattle through placement and development of teacher candidates in a Catholic school, educational preparation to obtain a master’s degree, as well as community and spiritual formation for the participants who live together in community.
Society of SVdP Archdiocesan Council of Seattle
Rent assistance
The Society of St. Vincent dePaul will distribute these funds among the SVdP conferences at parishes throughout Western Washington. The individual conferences connect with individuals in their geographic areas needing short-term assistance and utilize these funds and parishioner donations in the best way possible to prevent homelessness.
St. Andrew Parish, Sumner
Conference transportation for Youth Group
This grant covers the cost of transportation for youth to the Steubenville Conference in Spokane, WA in July of 2025. This provides efficient transportation, and the ability to take additional youth to the conference where they will have the opportunity to build their faith and relationship to God.
St. John Mary Vianney Parish, Kirkland
Gardening with a Purpose
Maintained by volunteers, this parish garden provides herbs and vegetables to Hopelink’s Food Assistance Program. This grant provides funds to expand the garden and provide produce for an additional 125 people.
St. Michael Parish, Olympia
2025: Beyond Borders to Vietnam
This grant supports the travel costs of students participating in this Mission trip, providing the opportunity for students to grow in their faith, compassion and understanding of service while also helping those who are less fortunate.
St. Paul Chong Hasang Parish, Fife
2025 Lenten Retreat for youth
This grant supports a Lenten retreat for 45 students, grade 6-12, to provide a nurturing environment for students to stay engaged with their faith and deepen their belief in our God.
Knights Community HELP
Providing durable medical equipment free of charge
Knights Community Hospital Equipment Lend Program offers free durable medical equipment for home use for those in need. KC HELP repairs and maintains equipment and instructs in the set up and use of the equipment, while providing caring and attentive support to those in need of these services.
Our Lady of Zarvanycia Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Patriarch Lubomir Huzar Ukrainian Language School
This grant helps provide a welcoming environment for newly arriving Ukrainian refugee children to continue learning and mastering the Ukrainian language as well as for Ukrainian American children to connect with their family's culture and native language. Subjects offered include Catholic religion, history, music, technology, and preparing students to serve the community.
Operation Nightwatch
Church-based Shelters
The primary focus of this grant is to support a 6-month pilot program with Donna Jean’s Place, an emergency Women’s Shelter at St. Mary’s Parish in Seattle. Operation Nightwatch also provides services at Julia’s Place shelter in Madrona and continues to expand church-based shelter services, as much as possible, across denominations and throughout neighborhoods in the city of Seattle.
Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation
Legacy of Love Campaign:
100-year anniversary of Providence Mount St. Vincent
This grant supports Providence Mount St. Vincent in their campaign to raise funds for charitable care. In 2024 the organization will provide more than $4 million in charitable support due to Medicaid shortfall, uninsured, and residents and patients outliving their resources.
Western Washington Catholic Charismatic Renewal (WWCCR)
Opportunities to experience the Holy Spirit
The Western Washington Catholic Charismatic Renewal provides opportunities to people interested in growing their prayer life with the help of the Holy Spirit, through workshops, mentorship programs, and community events.
Ignatian Spirituality Center
ISC Summer Ignatian Silent Retreat
The ISC Summer Ignatian Silent Retreat provides an experience designed to help individuals discern God’s will and deepen their relationship with God. This grant makes the retreat more affordable.
Mercy House of St. Pius X Parish, Mountlake Terrace
Serving anyone in need due to financial insecurities
Mercy House brings together resources and support from St. Vincent dePaul, the Catholic Community Services Prepares Program and St. Pius X Parish to provide emergency food, clothing, rental and utility assistance. Mercy House strives to empower each person to move towards financial, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish, Tacoma
OLQH Prayer Shawl Ministry
This grant covers the cost of yarn for volunteers who make prayer shawls for those in need of comfort from the loss of a loved one or someone needing prayers for healing.
St Francis Xavier Parish, Toledo
St Francis Xavier Mission Healing Trail
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church is creating a Mission Healing Trail. The two-fold goal includes bringing the parish back to being a mission of sharing faith beyond their parish community and encompassing anyone who needs healing from experiencing trauma. This project includes renovation of the barn on site to incorporate healing spaces.
St Therese Parish, Seattle
The Gospel Magnificat Choral Concerts
This grant is sponsoring two performances of The Magnificat during Advent 2024. In a dynamic, new presentation, and through song, dance, music and movement, the traditional beloved Marian story from the gospel of Luke is presented to inform, educate, and inspire audiences of all ages.
St. Andrew Kim Korean Parish, Seattle
2024 Korea Pilgrimage, scholarships.
This pilgrimage is a two-week trip providing 24 high school students with the opportunity to learn about their faith, learn about Korean martyrs, and experience their cultural roots. The grant provides scholarship funds for students to participate in this Korean Pilgrimage.
Grays Harbor Ministry Team
Five-week Spanish immersion program for regional director of liturgy and formation.
This grant covers expenses for the regional director of liturgy and formation to participate in an immersion program to better serve the seven parishes and missions within the Grays Harbor region.
St. Nicholas Parish, Gig Harbor
Camp Solanus for Girls
This grant provides funding to bring a successful camp program for 7th - 9th grade girls to the Archdiocese of Seattle. It is a week-long camp that aims to help middle school girls recognize that their identity comes from Christ, their life has value and purpose, and they are beloved children of God. This is also a rich, educational experience for the high school students who help lead the camp, providing them a time of reflection on their faith and with opportunities to practice their leadership skills.
St Bernadette School, Burien
Christ in the Classroom - Augustine Institute Formation for all Staff
This grant enables all school staff to receive this catechetical training. This enhances staffs’ ability to meet their mission of teaching Gospel values in a Catholic environment by nurturing academic excellence, fostering diversity, and developing compassionate stewards in our community.
Pope St. John XXIII STEM Academy, Tacoma
Strategic Plan for Sustaining Excellent Catholic Education
Funding Priority: Catholic Initiatives
This grant matches the resources put forth by the school and parish to support a strategic plan to bring together the five different parish and school communities of Pope St. John XXIII parish, aimed at deepening community, promoting Catholic religion, education, and mission.
Immigrant and Refugee Ministry of the Archdiocese of Seattle
Welcome Circles - program support
Funding Priority: Catholic Initiatives
Welcome Circles provide wrap-around support for refugee families. Coordinated with USCCB, parish communities support families by helping them assimilate and thrive in the local community. The families come from many places including Ukraine, Eritrea, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Part of the granted funds will be distributed to parishes to assist them in meeting the costs of sponsoring a family which include finding initial housing, collecting donations and household goods, assisting in enrolling children in school, helping with applications for public benefits, and helping adults to find employment. This work not only supports the people who are refugees but also enriches the volunteers’ faith life and experience with God.
Office for Catholic Schools
New Catholic Teacher Mentorship Program
Funding Priority: Faith Formation / Education
This grant supports an archdiocesan-wide teacher mentorship program. For teachers new to Catholic schools, this in-depth program utilizes the experience of seasoned teachers and helps to provide connections, professional growth, consistency, and a supportive environment.
Office for Catholic Schools
Symbolon Catechetical Certification Grants
Funding Priority: Faith Formation / Education
This grant provides funding for the catechetical certification of 100 teachers per year for the next three years through the Augustine Institute's online Symbolon program, enabling more of our educators to receive their Christ in the Classroom Level I certification. This works to strengthen the Catholic identity of our schools by ensuring our religion teachers and administrators are well-formed in their Catholic faith.
Office for Catholic Schools
Missionary Discipleship Institute Response Project Grants
Funding Priority: Faith Formation / Education
This grant supports funding for 25 schools across the archdiocese, the MDI project is a seventh-grade religion curriculum providing these students the experience of researching a need in their local community or the wider world and creating a student-initiated class project to respond to this need, bringing Christ's love to those on the margins.
St Mary Parish, Anacortes
Native Pastoral Care Support
Funding Priority: Catholic Initiatives
This grant supports a three-year plan to enhance current ministry and restore fully functioning sacramental and catechetical formation for Native Americans at St. Paul Parish on the Swinomish Reservation. This is done within the Northern Deanery with St. Joachim's on the Lummi Reservation. Additionally, this effort intends to build community and support Native lay leaders within the parish family.
Seattle University
Climate Action Conference $50,000
Funding Priority: Pastoral Ministries
Supporting a three-day climate conference in summer 2025. Called “Together for Our Common Home,” the climate action summit will bring together business and non-profit leaders, educators, students, researchers, faith leaders, Indigenous communities, elected officials, and community leaders to learn from each other to take real action to care for our common home.
WWU Catholic Newman Center
Campus Minister Support $70,000 over two years
Funding Priority: Pastoral Ministries
Looking ahead, Viking Catholic is focused on their ability to raise funds and develop programs to build out their offerings to support faith development of WWU college students. This grant provides for increased staff time to continue to develop student programming, with an additional focus on building their fundraising ability and enabling them to sustain it in the future.
Office for Catholic Schools
Latino Summit $27,000
Funding Priority: Faith Formation / Education
Funding a Latino Summit: Cultivating Belonging, Empowering Leadership, and Building Access to Catholic Education Goals. A two-day event of: Day 1: Professional Learning Day for principals, school staff, pastors, parish staff, and religious ed instructors; Day 2: Latino
Family Day: Cultivating Belonging, Empowering Leadership, Building Access to Catholic Education
Archdiocese of Seattle - Youth Ministry Services
Supports attendance at the National Eucharistic Congress $23,000
Funding Priority: Faith Formation / Education
Creating opportunities for youth and young adults to encounter Christ and connecting them to the larger Church by providing scholarships to attend the National Eucharistic Congress taking place in Indianapolis in July 2024. The is the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years and this grant makes attending accessible to low-income youth and young adults from across the archdiocese.
Archdiocese of Seattle - Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Retreats Approved: $22,000
Funding Priority: Faith Formation / Education
Supporting those with cultural or financial barriers and furthering the call of evangelization through a personal encounter with Christ is a priority for the Young Adult Ministry. This grant supports young adults with opportunities to grow in their faith by offering four unique retreats throughout the year.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
Supporting the Mobile Resource Response Team (MRRT) outreach Approved: $2,400
Funding Priority: Catholic Initiatives
Providing essential services to people who are homeless. Through OLQH’s commitment to the Mobile Resource Response Team (MRRT), three times a month services are provided to the unhoused of South Pierce County with a place where they can get a meal,
shower, wash their clothes, acquire new clothes, and receive access to assistance through Pierce County and other organizations.
St. Paul Chong Hasang Parish
Lenten Retreat for Catholic Youth in 2024 Approved: $8,000
Funding Priority: Faith Formation / Education
Supporting, engaging, and nurturing the faith of our youth.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Social Justice Commission
Outreach services of the Social Justice Commission Approved: $500
Funding Priority: Pastoral Ministries
Enabling the Social Justice Commission to further support their Mobile Resource Response Team in their work with people who are experiencing homelessness.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
Vacation Bible Camp for Seniors Approved: $2.700
Funding Priority: Faith Formation / Education
Bringing together seniors, from all parishes that make up their new parish family, to come to know each other and share their faith. Laying groundwork to expand ministries to Seniors in new ways and hoping to help seniors feel more connected to the larger community.
St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Travel expenses Approved: $7,000
Funding Priority: Pastoral Ministries
Enabling a large group of students to travel to the 2024 Steubenville Northwest Youth Conference in Spokane and giving them the opportunity to grow in their faith and encounter Christ in new ways.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Sacred Heart, Battle Ground
Addressing needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Approved: $5,000
Funding Priority: Pastoral Ministries
Meeting the growing needs of low-income individuals and families with rent, utilities, and food.
St. Peter - St. George Conference - St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle/King County
Addressing needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Approved: $5,000
Funding Priority: Pastoral Ministries
Supporting those in need by going to their place of residence, home, car, or street to help as friends and neighbors with basic needs such as rent, utilities, bed, and food in a spirit of goodwill and friendship.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul/Queen of Angels Conference
Sunday Outreach Lunch
Approved amount: $1,500
Funding Priority: Catholic Initiatives
To provide a hot meal to folks on the street, living in cars or not able to fix a hot meal. Also provide blankets, coats, hand warmers and personal items, especially in the cold weather.
University of Washington Newman Center
Approved amount: $17,000
Funding Priority: Pastoral Ministries
Our goal with retaining FOCUS is to continue to build our Evangelization efforts in order to bring additional students into our ministry, including from student groups we currently have not been able to reach well on our own.
Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center
Approved amount: $30,000
Funding Priority: Catholic Initiatives
Students will explore their various identities and how they shape their lived experience through building personal narratives to be shared with the community.
- Train 15 Catholic high school juniors and seniors to become faith-based youth organizers.
- Engage at least 70 additional youth, and 30 adults, through an intern-led listening campaign in the fall.
- Host at least one major action in the spring activating and mobilizing at least 40 youth, and 20 adults around the justice issue chosen by the interns.
- Partner with at least 7 community partners to train the interns and expose them to other faith-based justice work and vocational paths.
- Agape - 2022 grant award: $157,000 to fund purchase of a van and general operations for three years.
- Catholic Healthcare Collaboration - $1 million over five years Grant supports this innovative partnership between the Archdiocese of Seattle, Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services of Western Washington, and local Catholic hospitals, including PeaceHealth, Providence and Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, which will transform the way Catholic organizations collaborate and respond to the cry of the poor. Learn more:
- Education Across Borders - $5,600 Grant provides funding for two students to participate in an international service-learning project in the Dominican Republic. Learn more:
- Immigrant & Refugee Ministry - $104,000 for 1 year Grant supports one full-time coordinator and stipends for lay leaders to expand the Immigrant and Refugee Ministry throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle. Learn more:
- Seattle Seafarers Center - $156,000 over two years Grant supports funding for an executive director who will work to expand fundraising efforts for this ecumenical program that meets the spiritual and practical needs of ship workers arriving at our local ports. Learn more about the Seattle Seafarers ministry:
- Seminarian Support - $21,000 Grant provides funding to send 10 seminarians to World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, in August 2023. Learn more about seminarians in the Archdiocese of Seattle:
- Saint Luke Productions - $50,000
Grant provides support to bring the live performance of “Tolton: From Slave to Priest” to 10 communities in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Learn more about this show: - Western Washington Catholic Charismatic Renewal - $3,000
Grant will support general operations to carry out the mission of nurturing and inspiring Catholics to experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through baptism in the Holy Spirit. Learn more: - Youth Ministry - $24,000 Grant will provide funding to send 12 young people to World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, in August 2023. Learn more about the archdiocese’s youth ministry:
To learn more, please contact:
Erin Oest-Larsen, Chief Development Officer