Immigrant & Refugee Ministry
A ministry rooted in the example of Jesus Christ that welcomes the stranger and fulfills the commitment of the U.S. Catholic bishops to protect the life and dignity of the human person. We serve and advocate for immigrants, refugees, asylees, migrants, unaccompanied children and victims of human trafficking.
What we do:
Immigrant & Refugee Ministry (IRM) provides care and resources for immigrant families, and equips and empowers parishes to develop their own immigrant response programs. This ministry has launched parish Welcome Circles, hosted regional Know Your Rights trainings, immigration summits, walking pilgrimages, vigil Masses, fund collections, listening sessions and other special events in an attempt soften hearts and bring comfort to immigrant families while advocating for their needs. In addition, we continually offer weekly services and access to sacraments inside the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma.

Toolkit for Immigrants
Help is available for migrants and asylum seekers who have arrived in Washington since January 2022.
The WA MASS Project is a coordinated network of more than 20 service providers across Washington State who address the short-term basic needs of newly arrived migrants and asylum-seekers. Services include culturally responsive case management, immigration related legal assistance, and housing support. All potential WA MASS clients must first access the Reception and Navigation Hub (“Hub”) to see if they are eligible for services. WA MASS is sponsored by the International Rescue Committee and the WA Department of Social and Health Services. For screening, eligibility, and to get connected to assistance go to:
Or call 1-541-703-8336
- Know Your Rights and other information from Catholic Legal Immigration Network
- Know Your Rights Cards (available in multiple languages)
- Red Cards to assert rights
- Family Preparedness & Safety Plan
- What If Law Enforcement Asks About Your Immigration Status or You Are Stopped By ICE?
- Know Your Rights: What If ICE Comes to Your Home?
- Videos in English & Spanish: Your rights if ICE visits your home, comes to your workplace or stops you in public
Legal Resources:
- Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP)
- CCS Catholic Immigration Legal Services (CILS) or 206-323-6336
- Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC)
- St. James Immigrant Assistance or 206-382-4511
- Search for immigration legal services at Immigration Law Help
- How to Protect Against Immigration Fraud and Scams
- Stay up to date with Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc on Facebook
- API Chaya: Support for Human Trafficking Survivors
- St. James Cathedral: ESL and Citizenship Tutoring
- Accompaniment Program for Immigration Appointments: The WAISN Accompaniment Program supports immigrant and refugee community members navigating crucial legal and administrative appointments in Washington state. Attending these appointments can be stressful and challenging, especially when facing legal issues or immigration proceedings.
- Deportation Defense Hotline: 1-844-724-3737
- M-F from 8am-6pm. Immigration enforcement activity in Washington State can be reported to the WAISN Deportation Defense Hotline which is staffed M-F from 6am to 6pm. After-hours or if you can't get through, you can send a text message to the same number for a callback. Operators are bilingual in English & Spanish and can offer interpretation in 300 languages. To keep phone lines clear, they ask that reports to the Hotline come from first-person witnesses.
- Don't spread unconfirmed rumors about immigration enforcement activities! Get updates on immigration activities HERE
- Talking With Children About Deportation
- Locating Someone Who is Detained
- Taking Care of Yourself
Toolkit for Parishes
Click here for a FAQ and guidance resource document for parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Seattle, for questions regarding the most recent immigration policies and procedures.
- JustFaith - Immigration: If you want to have a healthy and productive dialogue around immigration and are mindful about creating division or conflict, we developed Faith and Immigration Justice just for you. This small group program guides participants in building a community of trust where they can unravel myths, uncover the truth, and discern how their community may be called to respond to immigrants in your local community and beyond.
- Mission Trips to the Border: Encounter Christ on the margins, experience the Church as Missionary, and enliven your own communities and ministries upon return. See the Encounter Manual for Parishes for ideas and options.
- Respectful Dialogues: Plan and lead small group discussions for parishioners from all along the spectrum - from immigration advocates to anti-immigration. Check out Contemplative Dialogue Circles and other resources from The Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center.
- Host a Cultural Dinner: Hosting a cultural dinner for migrant communities in your parish is a wonderful way to foster connection and celebrate diversity. See the Encounter Manual for Parishes for a step-by-step guide.
- Discover Your Neighbor: A Maryknoll resource that offers unique materials and lessons to inspire young people to engage on issues like Global Solidarity so that they can live out their faith as agents of love and service.
- Download the Encounter Manual for Parishes: for more information and ideas head to -
- Paths to Understanding Potluck: In response to the divisions of His day, Jesus Christ ate with His disciples, and with people of other groups and traditions. Paths to Understanding (PTU), formerly the Treacy Levine Center, and the Seattle University Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement are offering the Potluck Project Toolkit for parishes to follow Jesus’ lead in bringing people together. Download the toolkit HERE. Contact PTU at for a consultation.
- Las Posadas Navideñas: Encourage and provide support to parishioners who want to participate in this nine-day religious observance meant to honor Mary and Joseph’s quest for shelter. Every night from Dec. 16-24, neighbors gather to recreate the Holy Family’s experience. They dress up, sing, pray and celebrate the coming anniversary of the Savior’s birth. CLINIC invites you to join in the celebration. This resource provides lyrics to the song, helpful tips for planning your own Posadas and modern-day stories of migrants whose struggles are reminiscent of those of the Holy Family.
- Catholic Immigration Legal Services offers a variety of legal services to immigrants.
- Immigrants who arrived in Washington State after December of 2021 and do not have work permits can access screening and referral for services through the Washington Migrant and Asylum Support Seeker Project at:
(541) 703-8336.
Form a Welcome Circle to sponsor a refugee, asylum seekers, and others. Click here to learn more.
- Immigrant Ministry Grants for Parishes: Through the support of the St. Joseph Foundation and generous donors, funds are available to support parishes that desire to create or expand ministries serving immigrants. Email for the guidelines and application form.
- USCCB Justice for Immigrants resources, which has a variety of resources on papal teaching on immigration, current policy updates, immigration reform, ways to get involved and much more.
- Encounter Manual for Parishes
- Immigrant Messages for Parish School Community - English
- Immigrant Messages for Parish School Community - Spanish
- Preparing for ICE Raids in Your Local Community
- Know Your Rights workshops available from Catholic Community Services. Email Erin Maguire at - When Migrants Are at Your Doorstep - English
- When Migrants Are at Your Doorstep - Spanish
- Affidavit of Continuous Presence - Word doc:
It can be helpful for immigrants to have documentation that they have been present in the US for more than two years. You can use this letter to affirm this. This document is best if notarized but not required to be notarized. - Catholic Community Services has a variety of programs that serve immigrants. Contact your CCS Network Builder. Not sure who to contact? Reach out to either Erin Maguire, Deputy Director of CCS King County, 206-327-2474 or Aleah Patulot, Director of Mission Engagement, 206-566-3025
Toolkit for Individuals
- Sign up for the following advocacy alerts: and at
- Sign up for updates from Justice for Immigrants
- Follow Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc on Facebook
- Immigration Policy Tracking Project
- Follow the USCCB Justice for Immigrants on Facebook
- Letters to Editors Tips
- Responding to Immigration Questions
- Responding to Questions About Undocumented Immigrants
- Skills for Dialogue - English
- Skills for Dialogue - Español
- Encourage letters of solidarity and support:
Ask your school’s principal or school board, city and county council members, or any organization of group that you are part of to publish a letter of support or solidarity.
Examples include this Statement of Support, or click here for the sample letter from the Washington State Bishops.
Click here to learn how to form a Welcome Circle to sponsor a refugee, asylum seekers, and others.
- Agape Service Project encounters the farmworker community of Whatcom County, facilitates weeklong middle and high school service-immersion, and empowers young adults to be servant leaders. Volunteers are needed in Whatcom County during the summer.
- Tri-Parish Food Bank for migrant workers at St. Charles Parish, Burlington WA. Contact Jose Ortiz at to arrange a group visit to help out and for other volunteer opportunities.
- ESL tutoring, ESL conversation groups, or Citizenship Preparation tutoring: contact Sayuko Setvik at or 206-382-4511 at St. James Immigrant Assistance.
- Volunteer with AIDNW and help immigrants recently released from or still in detention.
- Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP): Volunteer at NWIRP:
- Centro Rendu: By volunteering at Centro Rendu, you help continue our mission of serving communities of color that invites, welcomes and makes room for new and diverse ways of living the mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Volunteer - Centro Rendu
Learn More
- - Take the pledge! Commit to charity, clarity, and creativity in your community
- Read the Scripture Meditation from Pope Francis of the Parable of the Good Samaritan
- 5 Tips from Pope Francis for "A better kind of Politics"
- 5 Consejos del Papa Francisco para "Un mejor tipo de política"
- Loving Our Neighbor Through Dialogue
- Amar a Nuestro Vecino a Través del Diálogo
- Examination of Conscience
- Examen de Conciencia
- Following Pope Francis: Dialogue in Fratelli Tutti
- Siguiendo al Papa Francisco: Diálogo en Fratelli Tutti
- Reflection on a Better Kind of Politics
- Reflexión un Mejor Tipo de Política
- Read recent Church statements
- A Response from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious to These Times
- USCCB Statement:
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a Powerful Reminder that We Are All Called to Be One in Christ Jesus - A message from the Washington bishops regarding the immigration crisis (WSCC)
- Bishops condemn family separation at the border
- Statement on the Status of Immigration in Washington State and the U.S.
- Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope (USCCB)
- Bishop Elizondo's Letter
- Hunthausen Statement on Refugees - 1983
- The Inherent Human Dignity of Immigrants and People Living in Poverty - A Statement from the Bishops of Washington State
- When Migrants Are at Your Doorstep - A Parish Guide
- USCCB: Catholic Social Teaching on Immigration
- Washington State Catholic Conference (WSCC) Immigration Support - Catholics Sharing the Journey
- JustFaith: Faith and Immigration Justice
- St. James Cathedral: ESL and Citizenship Tutoring
- Immigration 101 Training Video with Jorge Baron
- API Chaya: Support for Human Trafficking Survivors
- AIDNW: Serving immigrant detainees in Tacoma
- Only Here:
A podcast about the "subcultures, creativity and struggles" at the US-Mexico border from KPBS - Frontera Dispatch:
A weekly newsletter by the Hope Border Institute on news and analysis from the border. - Center for Migration Studies Migration Update:
A weekly digest of news, faith reflections, and analysis of international migration and refugee protection. - Migration Information Source:
A series of newsletters from the Migration Policy Institute.
Immigrant & Refugee Ministry in Action

Join us in our mission to Welcome, Protect, Promote and Integrate by making a gift today
Chris Koehler
Director of Missions & Immigrant Affairs
206-274-3194 |
710 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104-2017
Amy Nash
Welcome Circle Coordinator
206-550-1204 |