Foster Care Ministry
Our mission is to garner new foster parents from within faith communities while empowering parishes to provide wraparound support for foster families and children in need.
Our core initiatives
Fostering Futures
There is a critically high number of foster children in Washington state and that number continues to rise. New foster families are desperately needed to meet the ever-growing need. Fostering Futures is an archdiocesan-sponsored event that will come directly to your parish, complete with social workers, foster parents and current foster kids, to encourage parishioners to consider becoming a foster family. We'll secure the panel of speakers, provide customized promotional material and run the entire presentation. All parishes need to do is advertise the event and set out some refreshments. Please bring a Fostering Futures presentation to your parish today.

Host Families Program
The Host Families Program, operated by Olive Crest, is an innovative collaboration among area churches, volunteers and child care professionals designed to support parents and children who are at risk of entering the foster care system. This movement is designed to return the Church to the forefront of caring for children in need, as opposed to government intervention. Parishes who join the fold will identify host families who can provide temporary care for at-risk children in their home while other parishioners provide wraparound support as family friends, resource friends, family coaches, prayer supporters or donors. Experience how the practice of biblical hospitality can prevent families in crisis from needing the foster care system in the first place.
NPH Primos
U.S. young people in foster care will soon have an opportunity to connect with their international counterparts in Latin America and the Caribbean. Stay tuned for this developing partnership between the Archdiocese of Seattle and NPH USA Northwest.

Foster care resources
Joe Cotton
Executive Director | Office of the Vicar General
206-382-4847 |
710 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104-2017