Help for Marriages

Whether you are struggling with conflict, experiencing infertility, seeking support through a pregnancy, or coping with the loss of a loved one through death, divorce, or separation, below are some resources that may help.

For marriages in conflict

Support for Families PREPARES Pregnancy & Parenting Support

PREPARES is a program of Catholic Community Services of Western Washington, with a mission of supporting pregnant and parenting women, men, and families, who find themselves lacking a healthy support network.

Infertility and pregnancy loss

If you have suffered a pregnancy loss or are struggling with infertility, we are deeply sorry for the pain and grief you are experiencing. We hope the following resources and information will help with the various aspects of your loss. For more resources or support, please call our office at (206)-654-4644.

Divorce and Grief Support

Below is a list of resources to support couples and families impacted by divorce or the loss of a spouse.