Ministry Clearance Request Form For Visiting Brothers & Sisters Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Speaker/Presenter Information:Name *Religious Order:Order InitialsDiocese of Residence:Superior/Provincial:Phone:Fax:Superior Email Address: *Chancellor of Diocese:Chancellor Address:Chancellor PhoneType of Ministry(e.g., speaker, musician, support person, etc.)Event Information:Title:Date(s):Location:Will the presenter have access to youth or vulnerable adults? If yes, then describe interaction:YesNoIn the case of speakers, please attach background information (curriculum vitae) and samples from printed publications and websites that relate to the topic on which the person will speak.Youth Interaction Description:Host Contact Information (Requester):Name: *Title/Occupation:Parish/Organization:Address:Email *Phone:Fax:Please verify that you have completed an extensive internet background check on the proposed speaker to verify that his/her presentations conform to Church teaching on this requested topic: *YesList the topics or describe the content at which this person will be speaking. *Has this person spoken or ministered to this audience before? If yes, when was the event and what are the reasons for having he/she return? *Are you aware of any divergence on this speaker’s past from any Church teachings or any people who might find the speaker or his/her content controversial, unorthodox or problematic? If so, please describe… *Important Follow-Up Tasks to Complete After submitting this form, please email the following supporting documents to A letter from your Pastor, Priest Administrator or Pastoral Associate stating knowledge and consent of the proposed invitation. A testimonial letter from the speaker’s religious superior. A copy of the speaker’s curriculum vitae or other background information, such as printed publications or websites related to the topic on which the person will be speaking. Submit Request