Discernment: Diocesan priesthood

The Archdiocese of Seattle looks for certain qualities of a man who could serve as a pastor of one of our local parishes:

  1. Strong faith in Jesus
  2. Catholic male (ages 18 to 40) who has received all the sacraments of initiation baptism, Eucharist, confirmation)
  3. Desire to grow in prayer and lead others in prayer
  4. Leadership
  5. Compassion
  6. Heart for service
  7. Ability to preach and teach the sacred Scripture and the Catholic tradition
  8. Healthy lifestyle/exercise
  9. Positive relationships with men and women
  10. Good physical and emotional health
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NOTE: We do not sponsor or accept anyone from outside the Archdiocese of Seattle. Applicants for seminary will be considered after living in the area on their own for at least two years.

“Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

~ Matthew 4:19

Cover video clip from I Will Follow, by Ascension Press.