Healing Ministry

"Come to me, all you that are wearing and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28


The experience of a survivor of abuse is unique - each with his or her own story. One survivor wrote: “when you meet on survivor, you’ve met one survivor.” The circumstances leading to abuse and trauma may have similarities, but each is unique. The path forward is also unique.

The Healing Ministry offers information and resources that address the different needs of victim survivors and all those seeking healing related to the tragedy of abuse. Specifically, the ministry offers:

  • Victim Assistance to anyone reporting abuse by a Catholic leader through the Archdiocesan Helpline – 800-446-7762 or helpline@seattlearch.org
  • Facilitated discernment about how communities can heal after events related to this tragedy.
  • Liturgical resources and a parish toolkit.
  • Pastoral education about abuse prevention and how to best serve those who have been abused.
hands at church

“Sexual abuse in the Church is a heart-wrenching part of our history and I am deeply sorry for the pain caused to victim survivors, their families and all Catholics. We remain focused on the need for healing."

~ Archbishop Paul. D. Etienne, July 2024

Support organizations

For more information or support please contact:

Sue Moreland
Victim Assistance and Healing Ministry Program Manager