Local, National and Worldwide Catholic Appeals
“God loves a cheerful giver”
-2 Corinthians 9:7
Every year, the Archdiocese of Seattle invites Catholics to support important collections. This calendar outlines opportunities so you can plan your giving and support the causes most important to you.
A small portion of the funds collected may be used for direct promotional expenses incurred by the Archdiocese of Seattle.

Church in Latin America
Supports pastoral programs throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
Parish-based pregnancy and parenting outreach to women and families of all faiths in building healthy support networks.
Northwest Catholic Campaign
Supports the official news and evangelization publication for the Archdiocese of Seattle as well as the Catholic Communications Campaign for the USCCB.
Lenten CRS Rice Bowl
Donations fund Catholic Relief Services’ agriculture, health and educational projects overseas as well as grants in Western Washington for local anti-hunger projects.
Catholic Relief Services
Supports the work of Catholic organizations worldwide that aid victims of war and natural disasters, help build peace in places of conflict and minister to migrants and others with specific pastoral needs.

Holy Land Good Friday
Provides support for the holy places as well as pastoral, charitable, educational and social works in the Holy Land.
Peter's Pence
Supports the works of the Holy Father in helping to relieve the suffering of the world’s most vulnerable victims of war, the oppressed and those impacted by natural disasters.
Military Services, USA
Supports the pastoral care of Catholics in the armed forces (at home and abroad), military academies, Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and those working in civilian jobs for the federal government beyond U.S. borders.

Church in Africa
Supports pastoral projects in Africa including outreach programs, schools, evangelization and education of clergy and lay ministers.
Catholic Home Missions
Provides resources to strengthen the Church in the U.S. by providing funds to enhance pastoral ministry through catechesis, seminarian and lay training, education and spiritual care.
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development awards grants that address the root causes of national poverty through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and transformative education.
Black and Indian Mission
Supports and strengthens evangelization programs with an emphasis on serving economically challenged areas within dioceses in the U.S.
World Mission Sunday
Supports mission priests, religious sisters and brothers, and lay catechists who are Christ’s witnesses to the most vulnerable communities globally.

Church in Central and Eastern Europe
Helps to restore the Church in lands that survived decades of communist rule while building a new, more hopeful future for the people living there.
CCS Appeal for the Poor
Catholic Community Services of Western WA Appeal for the Poor supports over 190 programs and services that are relevant to local needs in all 19 counties.