Parish Stewardship
"A Christian Steward is one who receives God's gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord."
~ USCCB Pastoral Letter on Stewardship
Everything is a gift
It is on this premise the foundation of stewardship is build. Our life, our property, our health, our talents, our money — these are all gifts from God. A "way of life" recognized by our faith means that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. A "way of life" that says "Yes" to what God has entrusted to you.
This is why we are called to gratefully receive gifts, develop them responsibly and share them with others. Doing so is a response to God's generosity and an expression of our discipleship.

Parish stewardship
Your parish is where stewardship starts. You can give your parishioners opportunities through ministries, ongoing education and resources that provide a deeper understanding of stewardship.
You have the opportunity to help them take a step in their faith journey by saying "Yes" to a lifestyle of stewardship. We are here to help you support them with information and resources to help Catholics in Western Washington become better disciples.
What is stewardship?
When it comes to Stewardship, God is more interested in our heart. Click here for Bishop Schuster’s message on the meaning of Stewardship.
Stewardship is the response of a disciple that is rooted in gratitude for all of God's blessings. It cultivates our prayer life, our life of service and how we share our finances.
Thankfulness is a feeling, but true gratitude is an action. It's the action of giving freely and living out that gratitude on a daily basis by recognizing how blessed we are on a daily basis.
The goal of stewardship is to be a more vibrant witness out in the world. It is not promoted to ensure parish needs are met. Stewardship should engage and energize all Catholics for service — starting with the family and extending to the wider world.

"As a good steward of my parish, I will give back to God with a heart full of gratitude, by prayerfully making a pledge."
Stewardship of Treasure
Parish Financial Renewal generally occurs in the fall of each year. It is at this time that parishes will ask their parishioners to prayerfully consider returning a portion of their financial blessings back to God.
Stewardship of Talent
During the Parish Talent/Ministry Renewal, parishioners are asked to fill out and return a commitment card, pledging to give to their parish through ministry involvement for the coming year.
Stewardship of Time
Parish Renewal of Time occurs throughout the year with more emphasis placed during the Lenten season. This renewal focuses primarily on prayer but also worship, faith formation, and cultivating a sense of gratitude for the many blessings we have received.
Steve Homiack at