Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship Workshop
The Church teaches responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation. But in these polarizing times, it can be difficult to know how to be a faithful citizen.
The Eastside Outreach committee at Holy Family Parish in Kirkland will be presenting a workshop on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship in which we will delve into the guidance of our Church on how to discern the best choices that consider the common good, protection of the weak and vulnerable, and the dignity of every human being.
Join us on Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30 PM in the Holy Family Social Hal at Holy Family Parish in Kirkland. Jean Welch Hill, Executive Director of the Washington State Catholic Conference will be speaking.
If you would like to read the USCCB booklet that this workshop is based on, please go to: https://www.usccb.org/resources/forming-consciences-faithful-citizenship-pdf.