Advent: The Pause that Re-fleshes Scripture
Sponsored by Seattle University’s Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture
Facilitators: Fr. Arturo Araujo, SJ and Dr. Jeanette Rodriguez
Wednesdays: December 6, 13, 20
9-10am PST on Zoom
RSVP here: https://seattleux.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Ckv60v7ImVeER0
In this time of Advent – this time of the incarnation – we invite homilists and others who have a ministerial or preparatory role in the Sunday liturgy, as well as those who want to deepen their faith, to join us in reflecting on the Gospel readings. All are welcome.
To preach effectively in today’s world, Proclaimers of the Word need cultural intelligence, to develop the skill to read the signs of the times, and to offer the insight and wisdom that comes to us through Scripture as a way to respond.
Unlock this profound wisdom within the Scriptures and cultivate a theology that speaks to the hearts of believers and non-believers alike. “Re-Fleshing Scriptures” is a platform for theological exploration, fostering unity in diversity, and facilitating a meaningful dialogue for those who preach on a quest for impactful homilies.
Visit the registration page to learn more about the facilitators and what to expect in the sessions. This series may continue into the new year based on participants’ interest.