One Parish Planning

A central part of Partners in the Gospel is the re-envisioning and restructuring of parish life for mission. This vision will come to life through a strategic pastoral plan for the parish family, which sets the course for how a parish family will become one canonical parish, but more importantly, how it will carry out the mission of the Church.

Planning Timeline

OPP Overview

Foundational Documents


Before a parish family can start planning for who they would like to become, they must know who they are.  These tools will facilitate discussions to answer the
“Who are we?” question. 

Planning Together


Central to the work of coming together is embracing the co-responsibility everyone shares because of our baptism. The co-responsibility that everyone is called to goes much further than simply recognizing that different people have different roles. Co-responsibility in parish life means recognizing the importance of volunteers, lay leaders and paid ministers have in the life of the parish and encouraging everyone to share in the mission of the Church.


The vision for the One Parish Plan is that its creation will be both consultative (as we engage others in discussion and discernment) and synodal (as we engage in shared listening, in concert with the Holy Spirit). However, this does not mean that each step of the process will require a synodal-style listening session. This synodal discernment includes determining the best form of consultation for each decision.




One Parish Plan Review Process

OPP Review Process 11.7.24

One Parish Planning for Standalone Parishes

The following One Parish Planning guidance is for standalone parishes operated by non-diocesan priests:

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