Handbook for Parishes

The Partners in the Gospel Handbook for Parishes provides guidance on the major aspects of parish life that specifically relate to the Partners in the Gospel journey: Worship and Prayer, Discipleship, Community and Hospitality, Missionary Outreach, Governance and Leadership, and Administration, Finance, and Infrastructure.
New sections will be added for each phase.

Introduction and Phase Zero Handbook

Introduction to Handbook: How to use, timeline, support.

Phase Zero (February 2024 – July 2024): Focuses on assessing the current parish, in preparation for the transition to the future parish family. 

Link to handbook

Phase One Handbook

Phase 1 is focused on getting to know each other; welcoming each other and starting to develop an understanding of each parish’s gifts, needs and hopes for the future. This Phase 1 Handbook outlines a series of administrative guidelines and recommendations, as well as ways to plant the seed for how to start to work together more collaboratively.

Link to Phase One Handbook

Phase One Handbook sections listed separately for quick access:

Handbook for Schools

This applies primarily on issues that specifically impact schools, from Phase 0 through Phase 3. Includes school finance best practices and school funding methodologies.

Link to handbook



People Handbook

This People Section is focused on all activities related to people including volunteers, new staff structures, job descriptions, consultative structures, decision matrices and more.

Link to full People section

People sections listed separately for quick access:

Special Additions

This section highlights special tools or resources that parishes requested as part of this process.


These checklists capture the major activities of each phase:

Parish Transition Workbook

To help smooth the transition for parish leaders, staff and parishioners, every parish should fill out the Parish Transition Workbook to capture information outside the Parish Annual Report that will be helpful as parishes join together.

Link to more info