Online Directory Change RequestParishes should use this form to request a change to their online directory listing. Please note, parishes cannot request changes to any clergy.Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.Name *FirstLastEmail *PhoneName of Parish *AddressDirección (línea 1)Dirección 2Ciudad--- Selecciona state ---AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrito de ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLuisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMíchiganMinnesotaMisisipíMisuriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNuevo HampshireNueva JerseyNuevo MéxicoNueva YorkCarolina del norteDakota del norteOhioOklahomaOregónPensilvaniaRhode IslandCarolina del SurDakota del SurTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonVirginia OccidentalWisconsinWyomingProvinciaCódigo PostalParish ID NumberHelpful Hints You can enter multiple change requests in one submission. No need to submit multiple requests, each with a single change. When adding staff, be sure to identify any staff members who also need to be removed. To request a change to the Parish Photograph, please email those requests directly to Although Mass schedule changes are the most common request, don't forget to also check Adoration, Reconciliation and other liturgies. Examples Add Staff: Jean Smith - Custodian - - (425) 222-2222 Drop Staff: Mike Person Add Mass - 8:00am Wednesday Sunday Mass Schedule - 8:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm (Vietnamese) Title Change: Helen Lewis - Bookkeeper Any Questions? Please email Requested Changes to Online DirectoryPlease clearly indicate what changes should be made to an online listing. Please make clear if you are adding new information, removing old information or just updating current information.Submit