Censo de participación en Misa

18 y 19 de mayo - 2024


Es hora del conteo anual de participación en Misa. Cuente los participantes a cada Misa de fin de semana durante el mes de mayo.

Aquí hay algunos recordatorios:

  1. Rellene un formulario distinto para cada parroquia, misión y estación.
  2. Por favor, cuente a todos en la iglesia, incluidos los niños y los ministros litúrgicos.
  3. Por favor, no estime la asistencia ni tampoco cuente la mitad de la iglesia y luego multiplique por dos para ahorrar tiempo. Estos recuentos deben ser lo más precisos posible.
  4. Si circunstancias inusuales afectan a la asistencia en uno de estos fines de semana (por ejemplo, un aniversario/instalación de la parroquia, una Primera Comunión, una única misa para toda la parroquia), por favor, téngalo en cuenta.

Envíe los datos del conteo de Misa antes del viernes de la semana siguiente. Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con Jhopselyn Singleton jhopselyn.singleton@seattlearch.org

Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.

Parish Information

“Please complete a separate form for each parish, mission, and station.”

Personal Information (Submission provider)

Do you currently Live-Stream Weekend Masses?

Saturday May 18

Most likely this first Mass will be your Saturday 5pm Vigil Mass. You will just need to enter 1 number for all the people who attended this Mass this day.
Saturday Mass 1 - Language

Saturday May 18 (2nd Vigil Mass of the Day)

This may be an alternate language mass, if so make a note of it. You will just need to enter 1 number for all the people who attended this Mass this day/time. (Count up all attendees for this Mass and enter the total number.)
Saturday Mass 2 - Language

Sunday May 19 (1st Mass of the Day)

This may be an alternate language mass, if so make a note of it. You will just need to enter 1 number for all the people who attended this Mass this day/time. (Count up all attendees for this Mass and enter the total number.)
Sunday Mass 1 - Language

Sunday May 19 (2nd Mass of the Day)

This may be an alternate language mass, if so make a note of it. You will just need to enter 1 number for all the people who attended this Mass this day/time. (Count up all attendees for this Mass and enter the total number.)
Sunday Mass 2 - Language

Sunday May 19 (3rd Mass of the Day)

This may be an alternate language mass, if so make a note of it. You will just need to enter 1 number for all the people who attended this Mass this day/time. (Count up all attendees for this Mass and enter the total number.)
Sunday Mass 3 - Language

Sunday May 19 (4th Mass of the Day)

This may be an alternate language mass, if so make a note of it. You will just need to enter 1 number for all the people who attended this Mass this day/time. (Count up all attendees for this Mass and enter the total number.)
Sunday Mass 4 - Language

Sunday May 19 (5th Mass of the Day)

This may be an alternate language mass, if so make a note of it. You will just need to enter 1 number for all the people who attended this Mass this day/time. (Count up all attendees for this Mass and enter the total number.)
Sunday Mass 5 - Language

Weekend of May 18-19 Supplemental Information

Use this field to provide information about additional masses