Catholic Lifesaver Corps Una colaboración del Ministerio de Salud Mental de la archidiócesis, la Fundación Fulcrum, LivingWorks Education y Escuelas Católicas Cuerpo de Salvavidas Católicos - Formulario de solicitud Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.Section OneSchool Name:Principal Name:Principal Phone Number:Principal Email:Proposed CLC coordinator for school (if different than principal): CLC Coordinator Phone Number:CLC Coordinator Email: *School Counselor (if different than CLC coordinator):School Counselor Phone Number:School Counselor Email: *Section TwoWhy do you want your school to become part of the Catholic Lifesaver Corps (CLC) initiative? Does your school currently offer some form of suicide prevention education or training? If so, please describe. (Note: Running another suicide prevention program does not preclude you from participation in CLC) What is your school’s plan for discerning four students (Juniors) who are capable of serving as safeTALK workshop facilitators? What is your school’s plan for discerning up to four adults to be trained as intervention specialists for safeTALK workshops? Once your school has fully trained in-house CLC members on hand, what is your school’s overall plan for offering subsequent safeTALK workshops for the school? (Note: Each student CLC leader will be asked to facilitate a minimum of two school workshops and two parish workshops during each school year. However, if more can happen, excellent!)When and where do you anticipate offering your first safeTALK workshops? (Note: CLC members will be ready for service beginning in late-October, 2023)Who will be your target audience? How will you select and invite students to attend a safeTALK workshop? (Note: Each safeTALK workshop is limited to a max of 30 participants per classroom) What is your plan for informing parents of this initiative and securing parent permission and approval? Section ThreeIs your school prepared to release four students during a total of 4 school days (October 3-4 and October 10-11) for their special training at the Palisades?YesNoComments or Concerns?Is your school prepared to provide coverage for any involved faculty/staff during a total of 4 school days (October 3 & 4 and October 17 & 18) for their special training at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades?YesNoComments or Concerns? CLC maintains a very strict expectation that all students attend all four days of training in full to become certified safeTALK workshop facilitators. CLC members cannot skip portions of any retreat. (i.e. leaving early for a baseball game, etc.) Make-up work after-the-fact is not possible. We acknowledge this expectation and our students will commit to all four training days in full. YesNoWhat do you need from us to ensure a successful initiative? Do you anticipate any barriers? Submit