Catholic Lifesaver Corps

Una colaboración del Ministerio de Salud Mental de la archidiócesis, la Fundación Fulcrum, LivingWorks Education y Escuelas Católicas

Cuerpo de Salvavidas Católicos - Formulario de solicitud

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Section One

Section Two

Section Three

Is your school prepared to release four students during a total of 4 school days (October 3-4 and October 10-11) for their special training at the Palisades?
Is your school prepared to provide coverage for any involved faculty/staff during a total of 4 school days (October 3 & 4 and October 17 & 18) for their special training at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades?
CLC maintains a very strict expectation that all students attend all four days of training in full to become certified safeTALK workshop facilitators. CLC members cannot skip portions of any retreat. (i.e. leaving early for a baseball game, etc.) Make-up work after-the-fact is not possible. We acknowledge this expectation and our students will commit to all four training days in full.